Chapter 16

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While Cory was reliving Lightning McQueen's sacrifice, the rest of the team was making a daring escape. When Cory touched the Chaos Emerald, his body absorbed it. This caused a minor explosion that threw Stewie away from the scene and made the Titanic crumble faster. Shrek grabbed Cory's body.

"We gotta get out of here!" screamed Shrek. Debris was falling everywhere. They would be the last people to explore the Titanic. The deck of the ship collapsed, and all of the floors followed it. They were all caved inside the bottom of the Titanic.

"There's no way we're getting out of here! It's hopeless!" said Johnny. Despair had consumed his heart. 

Stewie climbed into his aqua jet, where Gru was waiting for him. "Initiate the quantum cannons! Annihilate them all!" he yelled.

"I can't, the jet has been hit!" said Gru. "Our weapons system is disabled. We gotta go!"

Meanwhile outside of the jet, our heroes were in deep trouble. The entire ship would fall and kill them all sooner or later. Suddenly, Oscar began to glow with a red aura. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and his eyes became white. When he spoke, his voice became louder and more powerful. "Everybody hold onto Shrek. You're getting out of here."

"What do you mean? What's happening to you? You're coming with us!" said Jimmy. 

"I cannot. This is my destiny. Trust in me, and I shall pave the way." Oscar said. He clapped his fins together, and the teammates were all pushed into each other and could not escape the center of mass. "Goodbye." Oscar swung his fins into the air, and the Memesistance was launched out of the collapsing Titanic by a hyper-whirlpool that Oscar conjured with his newfound power. They were thrown into the night sky above the ocean, and they landed in the water.

"Oscar..." gasped Mike. The team floated there in silence. The silence was broken when a huge rumble occurred, and Stewie and Gru shot out of the ocean in the aqua jet. In midair, the jet reconfigured into aerial mode and blasted off back to the mainland. 

"They made it out. Of course. Everybody made it out except Oscar..." said Johnny.

"Let's get out of the water." said Jimmy. Jimmy took out an inflatable raft from his backpack, and pressed a button. The raft automatically inflated in the blink of an eye, and they all climbed in. Shrek dropped Cory's body onto the raft. They all threw off their diving suits. After moments of silence among them, Jimmy spoke up. "Oscar saved us. it was his decision not to save himself. I have no idea how he conjured that whirlpool, but I do know that Oscar was a hero. We would be dead right now if it weren't for him."

"Look on the bright side, we got the Chaos Emerald AND we now know some of the things that those nasty Thots are planning! I overheard them with my ogre super hearing. They are experi-" Shrek was cut off by Johnny.

"There IS no bright side. We barged into an innocent fish's life and it ended up getting him killed. If our actions cause innocent people to die, then how can we call ourselves heroes?" shouted Johnny. Everybody went quiet.

Mike tried to change the subject. "I hope Cory is okay. What happened to him?"

"I believe that something may have caused the Emerald to be absorbed into Cory. I don't think it was because of Cory or the Chaos Emerald, though. Maybe it had something to do with that old, barnacle-covered race car." said Jimmy. "We have more important matters at hand, though. Right now we are stranded at sea. We have lost all communications with HQ. I say we sleep, and when we wake up we'll figure out a plan. Let's rotate taking watch. We shouldn't let our guard down."

"I'll take first watch." muttered Johnny Test. He was not in the mood to sleep yet. Too many things were racing across his mind at once. The rest of the gang went to sleep to the sound of the ocean waves.

"LAND HO!!!" shouted Shrek. Everybody except for Cory jerked awake. It was morning now, and the sun was shining. In front of the ship was a large island, covered in ice. Various mountains and buildings stood on the snowy island.

"What is this? A civilization in the middle of the ocean?" remarked Jimmy.

"Oh, look. There's our welcoming committee." said Wazowski. 

On the edge of the island, bowling pin-like figures stood. They were swaying their arms from side to side. The figures were bending the elements themselves! As the team's raft drifted towards the island, they realized that the mysterious figures were penguins! The penguins were wearing robes while bending the elements of water, fire, and ice. 

"What the hell is going on mates?" said Shrek. A larger figure emerged from behind the line of penguins. He looked like a panda. He wore brown pants and a Chinese straw hat. Was this an island full of animals?

The figure spoke. "Greetings, travelers! I imagine your journey here has been long and troublesome. But fear not, you have reached this mystical place. My name is Po, the Dragon Warrior. Welcome to Club Penguin!"

The raft pulled up at the docks of Club Penguin, and everybody climbed out of the raft and onto the snowy island. Shrek was carrying Cory. They were beginning to worry about him. Cory had been sleeping for quite a long time. The gang wasn't sure if Cory was going to have another month long coma. 

Po was waiting for them at the docks. "What do you seek at this place? What are your names?" he asked.

"I'm Jimmy Neutron, and this is Johnny Test, Mike Wazowski, and Shrek. The unconscious boy in Shrek's arms is Cory. We believe he has been injured. We got into an...accident, and we just drifted to here. What is this place?"

"This is Club Penguin, an island fully inhabited by penguins. We've isolated ourselves away from all society to live in our own unique way of life. It is truly extraordinary. Follow me, let's go to the Ski Lodge and see what we can do for your friend." explained Po. They all began walking through the island. Penguins waddled around living out their daily lives. They danced, ate, and played games. Life on this island seemed good.

"If this is an island fully inhabited by penguins, then why are you, a panda, here?" asked Shrek.

"My master and I are not penguins. We found ourselves here, and the penguins accepted us as family. Come now, we must talk in privacy." said Po. They went inside of the Ski Lodge. Everybody sat down and had hot chocolate. Shrek laid Cory down on a couch.

"You have a master?" asked Johnny.

"Yes, I do. He is a noble man. Anyways, I know who you people are. I still follow current events in the world. I know of the assassination of President Trump, and the attack on the White House. And, I know that you people were there. And, I sense a strong aura around this young boy. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this boy is Trump's successor. That means he is the Chaos Emerald Controller. And if all this is true, then this boy needs to see my master immediately." said Po. Cory's eyes opened and he jerked awake.

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