Chapter 13

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The Memesistance gang was hanging out at the mansion. A month had gone by since the White House attack. After the attack, the team was split up, but they all eventually found their way back to Manhattan. After the deaths of the Vice President and the President, the United States was thrown into turmoil. Riots swarmed major cities and innocent people were being killed. The public wanted a new election, and that's what they got. Candidates began piling up. The election was set to be quick and swift.  A new White House was going to be constructed as quick as possible using the modern technology. The new White House would be called the American Citadel, and it would be constructed as a monument to the fallen American leaders. Civilians in the streets rioted and wanted Filthy Frank executed for murdering the President. They did not know that Shadow was the killer of Mike Pence.

Bill had assigned his team to take care of some of the riots, and they completed this task successfully. By doing this, the team came out of secrecy and made themselves known to society. The FBI had taken drastic measures to make sure the Memesistance stayed under the law. They made Bill sign a contract that gave the FBI complete ownership of the team. If he did not sign this, Bill Nye's task force would have been shut down and they would have been immediately imprisoned for life. 

A newcomer had joined the team, too. After being sick of being caught up in the Memesistance's shenanigans for a while, Jessie joined the team. She could handle weapons well, and knew how to strike fear into the harts of her enemies. Bertram watched the Ross children and Gru's kids while Jessie was fighting the good fight.

The attack on Washington had taken it's toll on everybody. Barry was constantly blaming himself for all of the deaths that had occurred. He knew that if he was thinking bee, he would have been able to do something to save the President and his VP. 

Shrek had carried Mike Wazowski all the way back to HQ after they had been launched two thousand miles away from Washington D.C. Shrek made it back in time to assure that Mike would survive. After three days in the Medical Bay, Mike came out of his coma with a robotic arm. It took some getting used to, but he was a fast learner. He managed to start taking advantage of his robo-arm when controlling riots. 

When The Croissant was blasted out of the sky, Bill bailed out of the cockpit just in time. However, Paul Blart wasn't as lucky. The energy explosion had fired the wiring to his controls, and he went down with the ship. His whole lower half of his body was torn apart by the wreckage. As he was still alive but barely breathing, Bill pulled him out of the wreckage. Paul's life flashed before his eyes as he was lifted into a helicopter. He heard people yelling about him. They were panicking. This man was surely going to die right before their eyes. Paul heard Bill speaking to the medics in the helicopter. "We can rebuild him. We have the technology." Paul blacked out and reawakened weeks later. His surgery was a success, but he would never be the same. The only way to save him was to make him one with his segway. Paul Blart was now half man half segway. His bottom half was replaced with a thick metal bar connecting to wheels. A handle stuck out of the bar so Paul could keep is balance. He was out of action for awhile.

The rest of the team was doing fairly well. They mostly sat around and watched TV and played video games when they weren't controlling riots. Bill Nye worked night and day on trying to find a way to locate the Chaos Emeralds. He hypothesized that when Cory harnessed their energy, he became unstable and scattered the gems. He knew that Cory had to be the key to finding them. 

Bill walked down to the Medical Bay. He entered the room and approached the bed that Cory Baxter was sleeping in. Today was the day that he was going to wake up from his coma. Bill had analyzed Cory's dream patterns, and he concluded that today had to be the day. Victor was by Cory's side. The child President's dad had been staying with the Memesistance. He became a cook for the mansion, and joined Guy Fieri and Gordon Ramsey's cooking guild in the kitchen.

"Today is the day, my friend. Cory will finally wake up from his slumber. Once he wakes up, I need him to use his powers to seek out the locations of the Chaos Emeralds. This is an urgent matter. We need to get started on this as soon as possible. We don't know if our enemies have located any of the Emeralds yet. We must act quickly." explained Bill Nye.

"I understand. I just can't believe my son is President of the United States!" exclaimed Victor. 

Suddenly, Cory's eyes opened. He jerked upwards and took in a deep breath of air. 

"Cory!" said Bill Nye. After Cory calmed down, Bill told him about everything. All of it. Luigi, the Chaos Emeralds, the T.H.O.T.S., the Memesistance, the Rift, and the White House attack.

"Oh my god..." muttered Cory. His world just grew a whole lot bigger. "And I'm at the center of all of this?'"

"Yes you are. And that brings us to our current situation. We need you to use your new powers to locate the Chaos Emeralds. Do you think you can pull that off?" asked Bill.

"If it will help this cause, than I'll definitely try." said Cory. They went up to the conference room, where the other team members were waiting. Cory sat down at the head of the table, and Bill Nye and Victor Baxter sat down at his sides. 

"Alright Cory, I need you to close your eyes and focus all of your power on the Emeralds. Forget all of your worries, and make them your single focus." said Bill.

Cory nodded, and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, and focused all of his energy and passion on the Chaos Emeralds. In his mind, he saw the blue Emerald in a city at the ocean floor, inside of the wreckage of an unknown object. Then he saw the green Chaos Emerald, in the clutches of tiny green hands somewhere in an animal populated city.

Cory opened his eyes. "I know where 2 of them are. The blue one is in a city underwater, and the green one is in a city with animals roaming around it."

There was a fire in Bill's eyes. "Team, we're splitting up into two groups. Cory, Shrek, Jimmy, Johnny, and Mike, your heading to Reef City, in the Atlantic Ocean. Jessie, Rodrick, Barry, Knuckles, and Paul, you're traveling to Zootopia in South America. Gear up. You will be departing in one hour exactly. Be on the roof. You are dismissed." 

The team was excited. Finally, a real mission! They were ready to get into the field. Everybody filed out of the room, but Bill held Cory back. "Welcome to the team, kid. We're glad to have you on our side. Now get ready, you have a big day ahead of you."

"Thank you, sir. I'm happy to be here." said Cory. He began to prepare for his first day on the job.

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