Chapter 6

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The Memesistance members were all getting into position for the big heist. Bill and Sheldon were in the computer room, ready to direct their teammates. Knuckles was sent to scope out the penthouse early, and to see if there were any threats that they would need to deal with to make sure everything goes smoothly. Jimmy and Johnny were getting dressed in their usual everyday outfits, and then they would ride their motorcycles to the penthouse. Shrek and Mike Wazowski were flying to the penthouse in a helicopter. They would jump out of the helicopter and onto the roof, where Knuckles would meet them.

Shrek and Mike climbed into the helicopter. It had the company logo "Nye Industries" on it. Bill donated all of his transportation vehicles to this cause. Paul Blart was piloting the helicopter. He knew how to operate a helicopter because of his years of training to be a mall cop. He never thought that the skill would be useful until today.

"Buckle up. Prepare for take off in 3...2...1!" Paul lifted the helicopter in to the New York City sky. He was sitting in the cockpit, while Shrek and Mike sat in the backseat.

"Man, our first mission. I'm really excited, Shrek. Are you?" said Mike.

"Hell yeah my friend!" He let out a booming laugh. "I'm ready to become a hero! I've spent enough time just sitting around with my family in my swamp. I wanted to do something that would let me leave my mark on history, and for future generations of my family to be proud of!"

"Wow. I guess it is pretty good to be apart of something as big as this. But everything aside, Shrek, do you really think we can kill a god?"

"I'm not sure, my one-eyed friend. But I think that if we all truly try our best and believe in ourselves, we just might make it."

"I hope so. Y'know, us green guys gotta stick together out there. It's not easy being green." said Mike.

"Ohaho, I sure do know that!" boasted Shrek. The sun was setting on this hot summer evening.  The helicopter was approaching the airspace above of the penthouse. 

"Get your parachutes on! We're here! I gotta move fast!" explained the mall cop. It was only 30 minutes before the party. They needed to hurry! Shrek and Mike got on their parachutes and stood at the door of the helicopter. They attached their intercom earpieces to their ears, and jumped out of the helicopter.  

Paul flew away from the building. He was going to land the helicopter on the Nye Industries building, and then proceed to walk to the penthouse and shut down the party when the time was right.

Shrek pulled his parachute, and began to gently fall down. Mike was in extreme panic mode. His parachute was not working! "SHREK! MY PARACHUTE! SOMETHING'S WRONG!" he yelled.

"Mike!" yelled Shrek. His friend was going to die if he did not do something. Shrek quickly yanked out his knife, and cut his own parachute strings. They were both free falling now. "I got you buddy!" Shrek used his weight to fall down to Mike's level. They were soon going to collide with the building. Shrek scooped up Mike in his mighty ogre arms, and hugged him tight. He rolled up in an ogre cannonball, and they hit the roof of the building.

There was a loud rumble, and then silence. A smoke cloud surrounded the two green friends. They made a small crater where they impacted the rooftop. Shrek opened his eyes and lifted his arms. Mike was staring at him with an unbelievable look on his face.

"Shrek! You saved me!"

"Don't mention it. Its like you said, us green guys gotta stick together." They two stood up and walked over to the edge of the roof. None of the residents in the building noticed Shrek and Mike's impact. 

"Shrek? Mike? Do you copy?" Bill spoke over their intercoms. They told Bill what had just occurred. When the conversation was over, The two green friends looked down upon the streets of New York City and it's skyline. It was a beautiful scene at sunset. 

"This world is beautiful. It's these moments when I truly know that I'm doing good by being on this team and saving billions of innocent people." said Shrek. Just then, Knuckles climbed over the edge and collapsed onto the rooftop. 

"Phew. That was a workout!" exclaimed Knuckles. He had just climbed the building. The three teammates then looked upon the skyline as they waited for their mission to get started.

Jimmy and Johnny walked into the lobby of the building. The doorman, Tony, informed them that the Ross children's penthouse was on the top floor. Barry was hiding in Jimmy Neutron's pocket. He would fly away to the butler once they were up there. The elevator door closed, and their mission began.

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