Chapter 3

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Stewie Griffin woke up in the Void. Luigi was towering before him. "My lord, I am honored by your presence. What is that you desire?" the child asked. For the past 6 months, Luigi had been contacting Stewie through the young boy's dreams. 

Luigi did not speak. In order to communicate with others on Earth, he had to send brain waves to whoever he was contacting. Stewie got Luigi's message and understood.

"You want me to build an army of super villains to collect the rest of the Chaos Emeralds? I understand, my lord. It will be done, and once we have them and capture the controller of the Chaos Emeralds, we will open the rift and set you free! I will start immediately!" Luigi dismissed Stewie. Stewie woke up in his bedroom back at the Griffin household. He woke up Brian, his faithful dog companion. "Brian! Brian! Wake up! We need to leave now! The teleporter is all ready to be used. We are going to Chicago!"

"Geez, Stewie. Let me just pour my watermelon martini and we can be on our way!" said Brian. This triggered the laugh track to set off. It was the only thing that constantly haunted Stewie and Brian. There was no escape from it. Brian poured his martini and Stewie teleported them away to Chicago.

In a flash of light, they landed in a bar. "There he is! There's our guy!" exclaimed Stewie. A black figure sat at the bar drinking a a beer bottle. He was a anthropomorphic hedgehog. He wore white gloves and red and black sneakers. He was carrying a handgun and a knife that was concealed in his fur. Stewie and Brian sat down next to him.

"Shadow the Hedgehog. We finally meet!" said Stewie.

"Who are you?" the hedgehog asked as he subtly reached for his knife.

"My name is Stewie Griffin. My fluffy white companion here is Brian. I've been hearing about your recent... activities. I know that you are on the run from the law because of various crimes. I want to help you. How would you feel if I told you that you had the opportunity to become a god?"

"A god? And how exactly would that work? Your just a child. Go home before you get mugged, kid." Shadow said as he let go of his knife and sipped his beer. 

"The Chaos Emeralds. Don't you want to have unlimited power in life? Isn't that the reason why you were... created?"

Shadow shifted in his seat. He knew what the power of the Chaos Emeralds was. He had been hunting them for the past 50 years. He did want help in finding them, but he didn't think there was anybody that could help him. He contemplated his decision, if he should trust this egotistical 1-year-old and his dog or shoot them both right then and there. He had an idea.

"I'm in. But, why do you guys want to do this? Whats motivating you?" asked the hedgehog.

"The Ancient God Luigi." said Stewie. "In order to become gods and unlock unlimited power, we need to free him from his eternal imprisonment. He has been speaking to me, and he wanted me to recruit the most villainous people on the planet." Shadow did not think about himself as a villain. He thought of himself more like just a misunderstood rebel with one purpose in life. Nobody really knew what he was going through.

Stewie pulled out the red Chaos Emerald from his overalls. "Also, we already have one. We can use it to teleport across the globe, my friend."

Brian chimed in. "Stewie, we must be going. The clock is ticking. We need to locate the white Chaos Emerald before it is too late. I feel that it will not be an easy job."

"Right you are Brian. We still need to assemble our army, first."

"So, where to next?" asked Shadow.

"The Mushroom Kingdom . There's a pair of gangsters and a monkey that we need to recruit. Then, we do a lot more recruiting. Brian, I need you to go to an old friend of ours and convince him to let us set up at his headquarters." said Stewie. Brian knew exactly who Stewie was talking about. He grabbed the teleporter and teleported to the location.

"Shadow, grab my hand. we have a lot of work to do. We will teleport with our emerald. We have a long night ahead of us." explained Stewie. Shadow grabbed his hand and off they went on a night of adventure.

Brian landed outfront of Gru's house. He knocked on the door, and minutes later Gru answered. "Brian! My old friend! What are you doing here in the middle of the night? Come in, come in." Brian walked in and they sat down on the couch. He explained the entire plan to Gru. "Wow. An ancient god? And you guys want to become gods?" Gru was conflicted. "Uh, I'm not sure. I mean, the minions have been looking for a purpose lately. But i'm afraid I can't Brian." Brian was shocked.

"What do you mean you can't, Gru? This is what you do! You're a super villain!" exclaimed Brian.

"I don't do that thing anymore Brian! I have a family now!"

"One last hurrah, Gru. For old time's sake. Me, you, and Stewie used to have so much fun back in the day! If we pull this off, we could have all the riches in the world. We would be gods! Don't you want that happiness for your family, Gru? Don't you?"

"I- I do. These children deserve more than this shitty house. I'll do it. I'll help you. But you can only use my lair with all my minions. If one of you even make eye contact with my children, you are leaving forever."

There was a shuffle on the stairs. Agnes came tumbling down them. Her sisters ran after her to stop her, but it was too late. Their cover was blown.

"KIDS??? GO BACK TO BED IMMEDIATELY!" yelled Gru. "Shit. They heard everything."

"It all won't matter in the end Gru. I'm going to get some rest. Stewie will arrive tomorrow with an army, hopefully. Goodnight Gru, and thank you." Brian then laid down on the couch and dozed off to sleep.

Gru was disappointed in himself. Did he make the right decision? Only time would tell. He muttered to himself as he went back to bed. "God forgive me for what I must Gru."

The next morning, Stewie and his army arrived. They filed into Gru's massive evil lair. Many iconic evil villains were in the army, like Shadow, Waluigi, Wario, Donkey Kong, Denzel Crocker, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Bling Bling Boy , Stan (The dog with a blog), Lord Farquaad, Scar (From the Lion King),  the Once-ler, and Garfield. Each iconic villains brought along their own minions, making the army's size grow to about 1500. 

"Greetings! My name is Stewie Griffin. I have gathered you all here today because we all have the chance to become legends. We will bask in the glories and riches of our victories!" The crowd cheered. "Our name is the T.H.O.T.S., the Terrorist Heckers Of The Savior. Our savior is Luigi. We dedicate our lives to Luigi on this day! Our destiny is to collect the seven Chaos Emeralds and make their controller bend to our will and open the portal to the Void, unleashing Luigi!" More cheers and screams flooded the room. "I nominate Shadow, Waluigi, Wario, Donkey Kong, the Once-ler, and Gru to lead us in our first mission: steal the white Chaos Emerald! We already have one of them. The controller of the emeralds, the President, has four of them. That means that we just need two more of them to initiate Phase 2 of our plan! Let the training begin!" Stewie's voice echoed across the lair. 

The Memesistance may not have known it then, but they had quite the opponents to battle against.

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