Chapter 10

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The team was stressed for the entire week while Bill was locked away in his room. Mainly, they taught Rodrick all the tactics and strategies he needed to know. Because of his years of drumming for his band, Rodrick knew how to use a pair of nunchucks effectively. He became an official member of the team.

All week, Shrek was trying to make sense of who the mysterious Filthy Frank was. He called himself The Anime Hunter, but Shrek had no idea what that meant. Frank had defeated Naruto in one fatal strike, while Shrek was easily pummeled by him. Shrek kept beating himself up over this. How can a mighty ogre lose to a tiny Asian child? He was embarrassed with himself. 

Shrek's obsession with Filthy Frank grew as the week went on. While everybody else was stressed out about their enemy's plan, Shrek dazed off and started to think about Frank constantly. Frank had saved him from death, and Shrek just wanted to get some answers. When Frank looked at Shrek just before he left, he had a look of sadness and pain on his face. If Shrek ever saw Frank again, he would demand answers.

It was Friday afternoon around 3 o'clock. The team was hanging out in the lounge. All of the sudden, the doorbell rang. "I'll see who it is!" said Paul. He made his way to the front door and peeked out the window. It was three little girls. Paul thought they were selling girl scouts cookies, so he opened the door. "Hello there!" he said.

"Are you Bill Nye?" said one of the girls. She wore a green jacket and had glasses. 

"No, I am not. Who are you?" 

"My name is Margo, and this is Edith and Agnes. We are the daughters of Gru. We feel that our dad is up to no good."

Paul was confused. He had no idea who Gru was. To his surprise, Bill walked out into the doorway infront of Paul. His isolation was over. He looked like he needed to shave, and his hair was a mess. "Come in. All of you."

The Memesistance all sat down in the dining hall. Bill and the three girls stood at the head of the table. "Girls, can you tell us exactly what your father is doing?" asked Bill.

Margo spoke for them. "Our dad used to be a super villain, but hes good now. One night a talking dog came to our house. We heard something about collecting emeralds and something to do with a god. The next morning, hordes of bad guys started to fill our dad's lab in the basement. One night, I snuck down there and memorized as much data as I could. They had the address to this place written down and it was labeled as "Potential Threat." They also had a file containing a plan to attack the White House! We didn't know who to go to with this information. Whatever you do though, please don't hurt our dad. He doesn't know what he is doing. We left a note that said we went to a friend's house for a last minute sleepover."

Bill now knew about their enemy's plans. He was one step ahead. "Thank you, girls. We won't hurt your father. But hes doing some bad things. We're not letting you go back to him for a while.

Bill called up Jessie. They arranged for Jessie to pickup the girls and watch them for a while. Jessie pulled up outside in her car and met the girls. Gru's daughters then climbed into the vehicle. Jessie spoke to Bill. "I hope you know what you're doing. Try not to get yourselves killed out there." She hopped into the car and drove away. Just then, Shrek came running out of the mansion.

"Bill! We're too late! The White House is being attacked right now!" he screamed.

"Tell the team to suit up. It's go time."

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