Chapter 4

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The past week was a week of training and bonding for the Memesistance. Every day, they would wake up at 7:00 a.m. and have a gourmet breakfast cooked by Guy Fieri and Gordon Ramsay. After that, they would do their daily sprints in the courtyard. Then, they would have combat and weapons training for 3 hours. Then, it was simulation training and bonding exercises for the rest of the day. The Emerald Heist was set for that Saturday. Mission briefing for it was scheduled for Saturday morning.  

It was Friday, the day before the heist. Paul Blart was on his segway, driving back to his room after dinner. Bill had ordered the whole team to go to bed early in order to get a good sleep for the next day. Paul arrived at his room, and was stopped by Barry. 

"Hiya, Paul." said Barry. Paul said hello. "I just wanted to say, I have a lot of respect for guys like you. You go above and beyond the call of duty to protect our country in it's darkest times. When I look at you, I see everything I could be in life. I feel like I'm just not good enough to be on this team, compared to everybody else, y'know?"

Paul was flattered. "Thank you Barry. That means a lot. Don't forget that you're on this team for a reason too. We all are. We can be heroes, Barry! You already are one! You may have sued the human race, but you also saved a plane full of innocent people from crashing! Back at the mall, I, too, had those days where I just felt like I wasn't good enough. But over time, I've realized that you just gotta focus on the good things in life. Tomorrow, we go on our first mission. And each and every one of us will do great, including you and I."

"Gee, thanks Paul. You're quite the motivational speaker. I'm sure it was difficult leaving the mall after all those years to be here today."

"Oh, it was. I do miss my daughter, but I wouldn't pass up on an opportunity to save my country any day. My little girl is happy for me, so I guess I'm happy too. I'm sure that your family is so proud of what you will beecome, Barry. Anyways, I better hit the hay. Goodnight, Barry!"

"Goodnight, Paul." said Barry as Paul entered his room and shut the door. Ever since joining the Memesistance, Barry was confused about why he was chosen. Shrek had incredible strength, Jimmy and Sheldon were geniuses, Knuckles was a great fighter, Johnny was a weapon specialist, Mike was practically a master ninja, Paul was an American hero, and Barry was just Barry. He believed he had no special attributes. 

He walked into his room, sat at his desk, and called his good friend Adam Flayman on Skype. Paul's speech about family inspired Barry to call his buddy back home at the hive. He had already been communicating with his parents daily. They were the ones who encouraged Barry to join the Memesistance in the first place. He called Adam, and Adam instantly answered.

"Barry! Oh my god! You're alive! What happened to you? Where did you go?" asked Adam.

"Boy oh boy am I happy to see you! I'm so sorry I left the hive unannounced. It was protocol!" When Bill Nye sent the cryptic invitation to join the team, he made it clear that the recruits could only inform their families about it. After they were on the team, they could tell their closest friends. "I've been recruited on a team to save the world, Adam! Isn't that great?"

"Wow... to save the world? Well, I guess I'm happy for you..." He said in a somber tone.

"What's the matter Adam?"

"Nothing, it's just that... things haven't been great in New Hive City recently. There's been a honey shortage. We're trying to work out a deal with the neighboring hives. I'm sure it will all be fine, but it would be better if you were here. You're the light that drives everybody, Barry!"

"I'm sorry Adam, but I can't just leave. I'm apart of something bigger than myself now!"

"Yea, I get it. Well, I'm gonna go to sleep. See ya later Barry, whenever that may be." Adam ended the call.

Barry felt bad for abandoning the hive without a word. He told himself that he would call back the next night after the heist. Barry shut off his light and slowly dozed off to sleep, ready for the big day.

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