Chapter 23

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Later on that day, the team was all gathered outside of the Empire State Building. Bill Nye was about to announce his run for the presidency. He thought the sooner he got into the race, the better. The team was backstage, ready to cheer on Bill. They were also on Thot Patrol, protecting Bill if their enemies attempted to strike. Bill had Cory, Shadow, and Freddie stay back at the mansion because it was too dangerous for them to be seen in public. Cory's true identity as President would have been revealed, and Shadow would have been gunned down on sight. He was now the second most wanted man in the country, next to Filthy Frank. Freddie stayed behind because he needed sometime to relax and mourn his father's death. Bill had sent out the drone to Gru's house to scope out the area for their break out plan, and Cory and Shadow were to monitor the surveillance.

It was almost showtime for Bill. A large group of people were gathered around the stage. It had all been so last minute that there was only a podium and an American flag backdrop on the stage. "Alright guys, here we go. After this, I'm not gonna be able to monitor you guys as closely anymore. I can still plan everything out for you, though. I've entrusted Cory to be the field operations leader for now. I might need some help from you on the campaign, though. Don't forget about me now." said Bill.

"Best of luck to ya. We'll get Jessie n' Rodrick back in no time. You just focus on winning this election, man." said Shrek.

"I'm honored to be your official body guard for today, sir!" said Paul.

"Thanks guys. We'll, I'm off." Bill walked away and started to prepare for the conference.

"I hope everything works out. Things haven't been too good lately." said Barry.

"Everything will!" said Paul Blart. "We don't have to worry about a thing. Bill has more credibility than Stewie. The only way Stewie could win is if he gets sympathy votes because of what happened to his family."

"Do you think Stewie had somethin' to do with that?" asked Mike Wazowski. 

"Probably. All of this can't just be a coincidence. It just doesn't add up." Knuckles butted in. 

"Stewie's chances of winning are high. It is almost Christmas, after all. The country might feel bad that Stewie's family was killed so close to the holidays. If that's their plan, then they're smart. Whoever planned this on their end, was smart." said Johnny Test, the pessimist. After his fall into depression, he always saw the bad in things.

"Let's look on the bright side," said Paul, "We're going to get Jessie and Rodrick back from the Thots. Just in time for Thanksgiving, too!" It was November 20th, and Thanksgiving was in a week. The mansion's chefs had been planning a grand feast for weeks now. Bertram said that when he arrived at the mansion with all of the children, he would help out in the kitchen. Together, Guy Fieri, Gordon Ramsay, Victor Baxter, and Bertram could make a grand feast that even the gods themselves would desire. 

"If that little rascal Stewie tries to pull anything sly on Bill I'll give him a good noogie!" laughed Shrek. The others chuckled, except for Johnny.

"What do you guys think about the newcomers? Freddie, Shadow, even Cory. I can't wrap my head around  the fact that all of the sudden Cory is just this ultra hero that we all need to follow now..." said Mike.

"I think we just need to get used to him, that's all. Maybe bond with him a little bit. For Freddie, I think he just needs some time alone." said Paul. He was the current voice of reason.

"I don't trust Shadow at all. Once a Thot, always a Thot." said Knuckles. Nobody said anything. It was clear that they were all divided on where Shadow's loyalties lied.

Shrek broke the silence. "I think it's showtime!" said Shrek. "Paul, get up there! You're his bodyguard you silly goose!" Paul nodded, and rolled onstage with Bill Nye with his part segway lower half. 

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