Chapter 14

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Team A was suiting up in their diving suits. They were out on Bill Nye's yacht, off the coast of Boston. They would need to dive deep into the ocean to retrieve the blue Chaos Emerald. Bill was back at HQ, directing their every move. 

Cory was nervous. All of this had been happening so fast, he wondered if it was all just a dream. He thought that he would wake up one day in the White House and hang out with his friends after school. But all of this was very much real. Cory just had to accept the fact that this was going to be his life now. He was glad to be doing something good for the world and avenging Donald Trump's death, but why did it have to be him to take on his mantle? Cory was indeed honored that he was chosen, but he knew that his life was going to be hard from now on. The FBI now controlled the Memesistance, but they did not know that Cory Baxter was entrusted to become President. Cory contemplated leaving all of this behind and governing the country to fulfill his promise to Trump, but he knew that he had to fulfill his destiny as Controller of the Chaos Emeralds. That duty came before all else.

Shrek was struggling to squirm into his diving suit, so Mike helped him out with his robotic arm. Shrek and Mike Wazowski had developed a strong bond with each other ever since they first met. Shrek had saved Mike numerous times over their adventures. Mike felt spoiled, because he didn't really have any way of repaying Shrek. 

"Alright team, are we ready?" asked Jimmy Neutron. Everybody nodded their heads. "Okay, just follow me on the way down. Stick together, and we won't get lost."

They dived into the deep, endless ocean. It was all so beautiful. It was full of life and growth. The team swam through the deep blue sea until they reached a colorful coral reef. They swam into a field of kelp to hide themselves.

"How's everybody holding up? We're about to reach Reef City. It's just over this ridge." said Jimmy.

Cory had just met these people, and he desired to get to know them more. "I'm alright. I've only ever been scuba diving when I was 8 years old with my sister. It's takin' me back, dawg." he said. Cory had not seen his sister Raven in years. After Cory left San Francisco for Washington D.C., Raven pursued her career in fashion and moved to Europe. He had not heard from her since.

"It's a little stuffy down here. The ocean is no place for me, a mighty green ogre! I should've gone to Zootopia with the others. That would've been the smart thing to do." grumbled Shrek.

"I'm sure Bill knew what he was doing when he assigned us this mission. We just gotta trust him on this one." said Jimmy. "Alright, let's do this. Once we enter the city, we're gonna stealthily make our way to the Whale Wash. It's like a car wash, but for whales. We'll hide inside of a whale's mouth, and he'll be our method of transportation across the city. Mike, because you can pass as a fish, your gonna be riding outside of the whale. You're gonna ask around about any mysterious activity near wreckages, or if anybody has seen a blue gemstone. Got it?"

"I guess I can do that. Shouldn't be a problem, Jimbles." said Mike. Jimmy's nickname had caught on with the rest of the team. Jimmy was fine with that.

"Once we get a location, we're going there as soon as possible. We don't know if the Thots will be here, so we need to be ready for anything. Let's get this started!" said Jimmy. 

They emerged from the kelp field and swam over the ridge. Before them, was a vast, colorful, underwater city. It was almost an exact replica of New York City, except it was overgrown with colorful coral and other sea plants. Bustling fish rushed in the streets to continue on with their daily lives. It was a marvelous sight. Reef City was a city untouched by the surface world. Their government, daily lives, and families were all different.

"Oh my god..." said Johnny. He had seen a lot in his life, but this was by far the coolest thing. He thought about what Dukey would think about it. It had been two years since the boy's talking dog best friend had passed away. He thought about Dukey everyday. Johnny missed their childhood adventures that they went on every week. The Test family was saddened when they had to put Dukey down. A tumor had developed in his leg, and it was fatal. Johnny's life was never the same after that day.

Jimmy ushered the team to start moving again. They spotted the Whale Wash, and started to swim towards it. Child fish swam around them, playing games and having fun. Jimmy was fascinated that life developed in the ocean all by itself. It was indeed remarkable.

They approached the Whale Wash. It was on the outskirts of the city. It was just like a normal car wash, but underwater. It was much larger, too. Whales were going through the wash. "Quickly guys, lets go!" said Jimmy Neutron.

They swam as fast as they could to the Whale Wash. When they finally reached it, a whale was about to swim away. "Now's our chance!" said Cory. The whale opened it's humongous mouth, and the group began to swim for it.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" a voice yelled. The Memesistance was spotted! They turned around to see the man behind the voice. A fish stood in the doorway of the office in the Whale Wash. He had a yellow face, and his body was blue, white, and green. "I'm calling the police!" said the fish.

"No, stop!" said Jimmy. "We are the Memesistance! Let us explain!" said Shrek. 

"The Memesistance? I've heard about you guys... I think I know why you're here. Please, come in." said the fish. He entered his office, and the team reluctantly followed him.

The fish sat down at his desk. The team stood in room, wondering who this fish was. "My name is Oscar. Like I said, I think I know why you're in this city."

"Hello. My name is Jimmy Neutron, and this is Shrek, Johnny Test, Mike Wazowski, and Cory." Jimmy refrained from speaking Cory's full name because after all, Cory was ultimately hiding from the government. He did not want them to know of Cory's power. "We are apart of the Memesistance. Why do you think we are here?"

"I've heard through the grape vine that you guys are looking for the Chaos Emeralds to use them for something. Your escapades have been circling the planet.  Well, there have been whispers around the city that the shark mafia knows the location of one of them, and that they are planning to sell it to an unknown buyer."

"The sharks know where it is? We gotta act fast! Oscar, do you know where the mafia found the Chaos Emerald? If we don't find it first, the fate of existence itself is in evil hands!" exclaimed Jimmy.

"Being manager of the Whale Wash has it's perks. I have some buddies in the mafia, and they said that they found the Emerald in the wreck of the Titanic! Can you believe it?"

"But the Titanic sunk on the other side of the ocean!" said Jimmy.

"Their saying that the wreckage moved when then Chaos Emerald collided with it! It's absolute madness, man! The wreck is not too far away from the city. I can take you there, if you'd like!"

"Please, Oscar! That would be fantastic!"

"Let me ju-," Oscar was interrupted when he saw his boss's car pull up outside the window. "Aw, shit! My boss is here! If he sees you guys, I'll be fired! Everybody squeeze into that closet, now! Quick!" The gang ran into the tiny closet and shut the door. Shrek took up all of the space, so it was difficult for the rest of the team to squeeze in. They made it work.

A walking squid swung open the door. "Oscar! You said you'd have the money by yesterday!" he screamed. He was tall and blue, and wore a brown shirt with no pants.

"Mr. Squidward Tentacles! My apologies, sir. Business has been slow lately. I'll have the rent by the end of the week sir!"

"I want it by tomorrow!" snapped Squidward. "No rent, and this place gets shut down. That means, we're both jobless. And nobody wants that right?" 

'No sir. I'll have it by tomorrow."

"Good! And clean this place up! It's a filthy mess in here." Squidward said as he marched out. When the coast was clear, the Memesistance poured out of the closet.

"Alright guys, I'll take you there." said Oscar. Oscar closed down the wash and together, the team and him began to swim into the city.

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