Chapter 19

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Kermit was speeding through the city. The Memesistance was running, but at this rate, there was no way they could catch up with him. Judy Hopps was cruising after him on her motorcycle. Soon, Kermit would run into the riot and he would be lost in the crowd. She wasn't going to let him get away. Even at Zootopia's darkest moments, it was heroes like Judy who would uphold the law no matter what.

Barry landed on Paul's shoulder. "Paul, activate your hyper boosts! There's still a chance we can catch up with that frog! Let's go!" he said.

"Good idea! You guys run ahead to the riot that's going on. That's most likely where he's heading. See you there!" said Paul to the rest of the team. They began to sprint into the city.

Bill Nye chimed in through his intercom. "Great thinking Barry. Paul, I've told you how to activate the boosts. The frog is heading down Main Street with the Chaos Emerald. You can cut him off if you move quick enough. Good luck, soldiers." 

"Hold on to me, Barry. I don't want to lose you." said Paul. He revved his lower half segway parts, and twisted the handle. He and Barry began to zoom down the street like lightning. Barry held onto Paul for dear life. This force could kill him if he wasn't careful enough. All of the sudden their speed came to a halt as they collided into a crowd of animals. Paul drifted to stop, but he was too late. He was in the middle of the deadly riot, and he had lost Barry too. 

"Barry? Barry? Where are you?" Paul looked around for his friend. He looked upon the animals that he had just ran over. They looked okay, but they were angry. Paul had to get out of there. He began to roll out of the crowd. "I guess I beat everybody here...I sure do hope Barry is okay...How did that frog have the Chaos Emerald?" muttered Paul. At times like this he often talked to himself. It was just his fatherly instinct kicking in. As both a police officer and a father, Paul was always ready for anything. But how was he supposed to be ready for this? Any moment now the frog would be rolling in his direction, tailed by Judy Hopps, Knuckles, Jessie, and Rodrick. It was all up to him.

All of the sudden, the frog wheeled into Paul's sights. "Here comes dat boi. O shit whaddup!" he exclaimed as Kermit collided into him. They both flew deeper into the crowd of angry animals. 

Paul started to pick himself up off of the ground. Through the crowd of people, he spotted the Chaos Emerald! Beside it was Kermit the Frog. Kermit was slowly getting up, so Paul began to rush in order to snag the Emerald before Kermit took off again. When Paul reached the frog, he saw that Judy Hopps was already standing next to Kermit. Kermit was in handcuffs, and it looked like he was crying. 

"Judy! You caught him! Nice job!" said Paul Blart.

"Not so fast, buddy. You and your friends are also under arrest for lying to a police officer." Judy said as she took out her handcuffs to arrest Paul.

"WAIT!" shouted Knuckles. Jessie, Rodrick, and Knuckles cut through the furious crowd and entered the clearing where Judy, Paul, and Kermit stood. "What are you doing?"

Judy began to read them their rights. "You are all under arrest. You have the right to remain silen-" All of the sudden Scar the Lion pounced into the clearing, with Garfield on his back once again. He had came to finish the job. He let out a mighty lion roar and jumped ontop of Judy. He sunk his teeth into Judy and began to viciously tear her apart. Her blood spewed everywhere as Scar feasted. She was dead. 

The massive riot quickly began to disperse, until it was just the Memesistance and Scar and Garfield. "Oh my God.." muttered Jessie. This is not how she thought the mission was going to go. She wiped Judy's blood off of her forehead.

"Jesus Christ, what the fuck man?" said Rodrick. This was the first time he had ever seen a person die before.

Paul was speechless. Judy was a fellow law enforcer. And now, she was just dead. And there was nothing Paul Blart could do about it.

Through all the calamity, nobody had noticed that Kermit had disappeared.  Scar laughed maniacally. "That was delicious." He said, his face covered in blood. He grabbed the Chaos Emerald. "Too easy. Well, goodbye now. It's been fun, truly."

"Hold on a minute, Scar. Don't you want to put on a show for 'em? Give 'em the ol' razzle dazzle?" asked Garfield.

Scar smiled. "Why, that sounds like a fantastic idea."

"Scar, fuse with me!" exclaimed Garfield. He reached out his hand to Scar. In a flash of white light, Garfield and Scar became one. 

A huge, towering figure stood before the Memesistance. It was orange, and had the mane of Scar, but the face of Garfield. It's striped body was muscular and strong. In the abomination's clutches was the green Chaos Emerald. Scar and Garfield had successfully used Stewie's technology and the Emerald's energy to become the first fusion known to mankind. "I AM SCARFIELD." boomed the fusion. It began to terrorize the panicking crowds of animals that were trying to escape the area. It picked up a piece of the road and threw it at a crowd of people. The concrete crushed dozens of people, killing them. 

"Stop this!" yelled Paul Blart. "It's time for you to end!"

Scarfield laughed. "Get out of my way, idiot." It jumped onto a rooftop of a building, and then leaped to the tallest building in Zootopia; the Savannah Central Tower.

"We got to stop it! That abomination is going to destroy the city!" Jessie said.

"Let's get to the top of that tower. We'll take the elevator, let's go!" said Knuckles. 

Barry Bee Benson opened his eyes. He had not been able to keep his grip on Paul when he activated the boosts, so he was launched to the  top of the Savannah Central Tower. As Barry stood up, Scarfield landed on the top of the tower. It roared, and the tower rumbled. It roared once more, and began to spew its fiery lasagna breath everywhere. Barry knew he had to escape, but it was too late. Scarfield had spotted him.

"Puny bee! Time to die!" It raised its foot to stomp on Barry Bee Benson. All of the sudden, Scarfield's chest was riddled with bullet holes. It dropped dead, and Scar and Garfield unfused. Barry turned around to see who had saved him.

Shadow the Hedgehog reloaded his AK-47, and strapped it around his back. 

"Shadow! What are you doing? You're with them! You can't fool me." said Barry. 

"Relax. I'm not here to hurt you. I want to help you." said Shadow. The rest of the Memesistance arrived on the rooftop through the elevator. When they saw Shadow, they prepared for a fight. "There's no need to get angry. I'm here to help." Shadow pulled out the red Chaos Emerald.

"How did you get that?" asked Paul.

"I'll explain everything, if you let me speak to Bill Nye in person. I want to join you." Shadow said. He threw the red Chaos Emerald into Knuckles' hands. "You can keep that. I'm not with the Thots anymore. I have other priorities." Just then, Scar woke up. He grabbed Garfield, who was unconscious, and then snagged the green Chaos Emerald.

"Shadow. So this is what you've become, huh? Helping the enemy? Pathetic. Well, there's our ride. Gotta go." said Scar. Stewie and Gru's aqua jet was about to fly by over the tower. They had just escaped the wreck of the Titanic. Using the Chaos Emerald, Scar and Garfield disappeared in a flash of light. And, they brought Jessie and Rodrick with them. They landed in the aqua jet, and the T.H.O.T.S. took off with Jessie and Rodrick.

"No!" shouted Barry, Paul, and Knuckles in unison. 

"The Emerald! It was right there!" said Paul. "They're gonna kill Jessie and Rodrick!"

"I can tell you all of their plans, like how they just did that. How they fused. But, only if you let me speak to Bill." remarked Shadow.

"Why do you even want to join?" asked Barry. 

"I'll explain later. I'll show up at your mansion tomorrow night with another Chaos Emerald for you. Maybe then you'll reconsider." said Shadow, and he entered the elevator.

"Do you really think we can trust him? After all he's done?" asked Knuckles.

"No. But there must be a reason why he just gave us an Emerald. And why he said he's getting another one for us." said Paul. They descended the tower, and took the train back home to New York City, guilty of all of the destruction they had caused.

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