Chapter 2

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Bill Nye was preparing for the first meeting of his elite task force. Jimmy and him had spent the past 6 months gathering intel and sending the members of the task force invitations to this meeting. Each and every member was carefully chosen for their level of combat and intelligence skills. Bill and Jimmy only wanted the best of the best in the entire world, and today was the day it was all going to coming together.

Bill and Jimmy acquainted a fellow scientist named Sheldon Cooper. They needed extra will power if they were going to get this team off of the ground. Sheldon had a mysterious past, and from what Jimmy could gather, he had a son with a woman and left before he was born. Sheldon helped them scour the world for team members, but he himself was not a member. He would rather sit on the sidelines and help out from HQ. Bill and Jimmy informed Sheldon about all the events that had happened at the Super Lab. When he learned of Stephen Hawking's death, Sheldon shed a tear. Hawking had always been a hero to Sheldon. He was glad he was working to avenge the deceased billionaire.

With all of their money combined, Bill, Jimmy, and Sheldon bought a mansion in Manhattan. The mansion would serve as HQ for the elite task force that they were assembling. It was a beautiful mansion, with 6 floors, a lab, a swimming pool, an arcade, a dining hall with kitchen, personal rooms, and a rooftop hangar with jets inside of it. Hired guards roamed the perimeter of the mansion 24/7, incase of any surprise attacks from enemies. A cleaning staff and a master kitchen crew worked in the mansion. World renowned chefs Guy Fieri and Gordon Ramsay operated inside the kitchen, providing the highest quality food for the team.

Bill, Jimmy, and Sheldon sat in the dining hall. Bill held the Quantum Scanner in his hand. It had been the only thing that survived the lab incident. It was a fairly large, and was a gray color with a green screen on the surface of it. The device had not been working ever since that incident.

Bill laid out their plan. "This is it fellas. The big day. Each member will come in individually, and we'll introduce ourselves. They'll take a seat, and the process will repeat until all team members are in this room. The chefs are cooking up a steak meal. We will be served when our presentation is done." A flat screen TV was floating in mid air. Jimmy developed this technology for his friend Carl as a way to eat croissants without moving your arms. The group shuffled their papers into the correct order, and then the limousine carrying the first team member pulled up out front of the mansion.

The door to the dining hall nudged open a crack. A tiny bee came flying in through the door. "Um, hello. My name is Barry Bee Benson." he said.

Bill took the initiative. "Hello. My name is Bill Nye, and these are my colleagues, Jimmy Neutron and Sheldon Cooper. You have been chosen to become apart of an elite task force that will help save the universe one day. If you wish to back out, now would be the time to do it. If not, then please take a seat and we'll wait for the others to arrive."

Barry flew over to a seat and sat down on it's armrest. "An elite team? Why me? Why choose me? I sued the human race! I'm not much of a hero if you think about it. I guess I'm all in though." Jimmy thanked him and slid him a contract. It stated his loyalty to the team, and his complete dedication to the operation above anything else. Once he signed it, there was absolutely no going back.

"You have been chosen for a reason. You will do great things in the world one day! You'll be a hero for not only your hive, but for the whole universe!" said Jimmy. Barry signed the contract, picking up the pen with two arms and using all his might to move it. The first member of the team was recruited.

Next, a mighty green ogre walked in. It was Shrek! He smelled of sadness and onions. "Ello there! I'm Shrek!" the big green giant roared in his thick Scottish accent. Bill informed him that he has been recruited into the task force. Shrek was confused at first, but then understood. The mighty green ogre sat down next to Barry, introduced himself, and signed the contract.

This process went on for about an hour as team members filed in the dining hall. Once the whole gang was there, Bill stood up and walked to the head of the table, where the TV was. "As you all know, my name is Bill Nye. My colleagues, Jimmy Neutron and Sheldon Cooper," he nodded towards them, "have helped me make this gathering possible. As I call your name and your skill areas, please rise and face me." he said. He began listing off the team members.

"Barry Bee Benson, our eyes in the sky."

"Shrek, our powerhouse."

"Johnny Test, our weapons specialist."

"Paul Blart Mall Cop, our trained martial artist."

"Mike Wazowski, our stealth master."

"Knuckles the Echidna, our combative operative."

Bill looked his fellow scientists in the eye. "And last but not least, Jimmy Neutron, our gadgets guy, and Sheldon Cooper, our mission strategist." Jimmy and Sheldon were honored. They did not know that they would be apart of the task force. They believed they would watch over them from HQ, instead.

"The eight of you are apart of something bigger than yourselves now. Lets get this mission briefing started." said Bill.

"Here's what we have gathered so far. 50 years ago, before some of you were born, two people were having a race. Their names were Sonic the Hedgehog and Damn Daniel. They were the two fastest living life forms on the planet. From what the public sees, the two ran very fast and collided with the Empire State Building accidentally. This collision killed them both, and their bodies were never found, according to the public. Well, there bodies were infact not found, but they did not survive that collision. We believe that they were going so fast, they broke through both the sound barrier and the speed of light in a very short amount of time. We hypothesis that this opened some kind of portal to the Void. Now, legend has it that there were once two brothers who were Gods." Bill told them the story of the two brothers. Then he told them what happened at the Super Lab. "So, we think we saw the portal to the Void in the lab. We saw the evil God Luigi, and we know hes trying to break free from his eternal prison. The hypothetical shattering of the sound barrier that I mentioned may have made it possible for Luigi's breakthrough. We need to stop this. Also something to note, a race car named Lightning McQueen, who was as fast as Sonic and Daniel, went missing the same day when the sound barrier shattered. He could have something to do with this. So if hes not dead, we need to find him. Now, I know this is very complicated. But there is a way we can stop Luigi from entering this plane of existence and killing us all."

"And what's that?" asked Paul Blart.

Bill Nye explained. "In the legend of the two brothers, seven emeralds were mentioned. it is written that if you gather these seven ancient 'Chaos Emeralds', then you can kill one of the gods. Only one of them. And since the good God has gone missing and may be dead, It's up to us to kill Luigi and stop him from devouring the universe. We need to find the seven Chaos Emeralds before Luigi breaks through. He may be communicating with people in this plane of existence, building an army. So we have to act quickly. and lucky for us, we already have one of them." Bill opened up the Quantum Scanner and pulled out the green Chaos Emerald. "I found this one deep in the Amazon while researching these magnificent items when I was younger. Quite fascinating." He looked over the radiant emerald's glassy surface. "The President of the United States is the true controller of the Chaos Emeralds. However, with each new president, the emeralds are scattered throughout the world. But, ever since 2017 when Donald Trump passed the bill that made him the president until he dies, he has owned four out of the seven emeralds. We have one, so we need to find two others."

"Anyways, our first course of action is to find the white Chaos emerald." explained Bill." A wealthy family here in Manhattan bought it in an auction. We need to steal it. We know our duties. We will defeat Luigi. We are the Memesistance!"

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