Chapter 18

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Meanwhile, things were not going so well for Team B either.

Kermit the Frog was shook awake by his father. "Kermit, my son! We must move quickly! There is no time to explain! Hurry!" said his father. Kermit was in full alert mode. He hopped out of bed and followed his father out of their hut and into the village common area. 

Ever since Kermit's dad Pepe had been promoted to Chief of the Frog Tribe, he knew that trouble would soon arrive. Pepe would do anything to save his tribe, but he was not expecting this. Minions and lions circled the tribe grounds. They were slaughtering all of the innocent frog people. Huts were on fire, and they would surely spread heir blazes to the trees. Then, the whole forest would be burnt down. Dead bodies that were torn apart laid all over the ground. The brave frogs who were left drove spears through their enemies, but they knew death was inevitable. Scar the lion, with Garfield on his back, was strutting through the main path of the village. 

"Oh my god dad! What's going on?" asked Kermit. 

"Follow me, Kermit." Pepe said, avoiding Kermit's question. They sprinted to the Chief's hut. However, they had not gone unnoticed. Scar had spotted them, and an evil grin crept along his face. He began to walk to the Chief's hut, taking in all the chaos around him as he moved. Pepe and Kermit sprinted into the basement of the Chief's hut. Pepe ran to the back of the room and dug out a chest from the dirt. His blue robes swayed in the wind as he planted the chest on a table. 

"Chief Pepe, no matter what happens, just know that I will always love you." said the Geico Gecko. He was Pepe's husband, and Kermit's second dad. Him and some other refugees were hiding from the attack in the basement.

"As will I to you." said Pepe. "Kermit, come close." Kermit moved next to his father. 

"What is it Dad? What's going to happen to us?"

Pepe tore a key from the necklace he was wearing. He unlocked the chest, and inside of it was the green Chaos Emerald, a unicycle, and a ukelele. Pepe picked up the items and laid them in Kermit's hands. "The prophecies of long past are coming true. My son, I am so proud of what you have become. We will meet again one day. I am sure of it."

"What do you mean? Why are you giving me the diamond that crashed from the sky? Does this have something to do with those lions?" asked Kermit. All of the sudden there was a nasty roar coming from upstairs. Scar was in the building.

Pepe smiled. "My son. Goodbye." He placed his sticky fingers on the Chaos Emerald, and then removed them. It began to glow, and the Chief took one final look at his son. Then, Kermit disappeared in a flash of white.  

The Memesistance got off of the train and stepped into the city of Zootopia. It was a marvelous city populated with animals. Humans in the city were often treated as the lower class, but they were still allowed to reside there. Due to all of the discrimination against them, only a few humans stayed in the city. Under the colorful and lively reputation of Zootopia, there was a city of hatred and violence. The animals would not stop until all of the humans were driven out, so they could finally live in peace. 

So when our heroes got off the train, they were naturally looked down upon. "Due to this place's current situation, I think its best if Knuckles and I do all of the talking." said Barry. 

"Sounds good." said Jessie. It was her first mission, and she was scared of messing it up for everyone. Even though she left the Ross children, she was still concerned about them. On the way to Zootopia her and Bertram had a phone call about them. They were holding up well, but still missed Jessie. Of course Jessie felt bad about abandoning them, but duty called. She knew that all of her army training would be useful one day, and today was that day.

A police officer approached the gang. She was a small bunny, but she packed a big punch. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman. My name is Officer Judy Hopps, and I am required to kindly ask you to leave this city due to the current unstable riot that is being thrown right now. The city is on lock down and an evacuation will take place in approximately thirty minutes."

"Its okay, they're with us." said Knuckles. 

"We're just visiting some family and we brought our friends with us. No big deal. We'll be out of harm's way, I assure you." said Barry. Family was a subject that he did not want to talk about right now. Ever since he had learned of the genocide of his hive, he could not except that he no longer had a family. But we'll get to that at another time. 

"I'm sorry sir, but the city is about to be evacuated. We ask you to please leave." said Judy.

"Hello!" said Paul Blart. He rolled over to Judy. "As a fellow member of the police force, I can tell you that we are here on business matters. The economy could potentially collapse if we don't meet with our company's boss."

"Oh really? What company do you work for, exactly?" asked Judy, as she took out her note pad and began writing their fine for lying to an officer. 

"We are here to sample a taste testing for steak for Guy Fieri's latest restaurant, ma'am." blurted out Rodrick. Nobody else was saying anything, so he came up with a lie on the spot.

"Okay." said Judy. "So which is it? Are you visiting family or working for Guy Fieri?" she asked. She had seen right through their lies. All of the sudden, a frog on a unicycle speeded through the courtyard in which they were standing. He was carrying the green Chaos Emerald. It was Kermit the Frog! "Hey, slow down!" yelled Judy. "I'll be back, don't move." she said. She began to sprint after Kermit.

"Did you guys see that? That frog had the Chaos Emerald! After him!" exclaimed Barry. They all began to chase down Kermit into the streets of Zootopia. 

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