Chapter 5

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The team went into the dining hall, ready to be briefed about their mission. The chefs cooked up a great breakfast with bacon, donuts, french toast, waffles, pancakes, and fruit for everybody. They were munching down when Bill Nye and Jimmy walked in. Jimmy took a seat next to Johnny, and Bill picked up the remote to the floating TV and started the briefing.

"Good morning, everybody. Today we embark on our first mission; Stealing the white Chaos Emerald. The Emerald is located right here in New York City in a penthouse located in Manhattan, just outside of Central Park. The penthouse belongs to the wealthy power couple Morgan and Christina Ross. They are out of town for the premiere of their new movie in Los Angeles. So tonight, there should be 4 children and their butler inside of the penthouse. A nanny that was hired by the Ross family, named Jessie, has acting classes every Saturday night from 7:30 to 10:00."  The TV flashed images of the penthouse and Jessie. "The butler will not be a problem. He's too lazy to care about anything, and he'll most likely be sleeping when we arrive. However, we do need to worry about the teenage children. Their names are Emma, Luke, Ravi, and Zuri. Also, a pet lizard named Mrs. Kipling resides in the penthouse." Johnny thought about his best friend Dukey, his talking dog. He hoped that Mrs. Kipling would not be harmed in the mission. 

Bill Nye continued. "These children are very unpredictable. My sources tell me that they are throwing a party tonight, and that they already hired a band for it. The party begins at 8:00. Our plan is to have Jimmy and Johnny infiltrate the party acting as kids who go to the same school as the Ross children. You will locate the Emerald, and let us know where it is. You two will then cause a distraction, allowing Mike to sneak in and steal the Emerald. Barry, you will sneak through the air vents before Mike, and distract the lazy butler Bertrum. Shrek and Knuckles, you will be planted on the rooftop of the penthouse ready to fight if things get hairy. Once Mike gets the Emerald and leaves the building, Paul will enter the Penthouse through the elevator and shut down the party under police authority due to noise complaints from neighbors. Sheldon, you're going to stay here with me and make sure everything goes smoothly. Once Mike has the Emerald, he'll teleport everybody out of the building and onto the roof here at HQ. Any questions?"

The team was ready. They had been training for a straight week. Bill wrapped up the meeting. "Good. Be geared up and ready to go at around 7:00."

Everybody finished up their breakfast and and left the dining hall. They were not to leave the mansion until the heist. Most of them went to the pool to have some fun before the mission. It was the weekend, after all.

Around one o'clock, Sheldon made sure nobody was looking, and snuck out of a window and onto the street. He ran as fast as his long legs could take him. He felt incredibly guilty about what he was about to do. 

He reached the dark alleyway that was a good 15 miles from HQ. Waluigi and Wario were leaning against a brick wall. Smiles crept along their faces when Sheldon arrived. Sheldon began to speak. "I have your information. You and all of your allies are sickening. First speaking to me through my dreams, tormenting me. Then you tell me that you have my son held hostage? I hope you rot in hell."

"With that mouth, you'll never get your son back. He's right there through that door. All you gotta do is tell us your little gang's plans." explained Wario. 

"We are planning to steal the white Chaos Emerald tonight at the Ross family penthouse. That's all I know. Details weren't apart of the deal." said Sheldon Cooper.

Waluigi chuckled. "No, they were not. I'm afraid we can't give you your son back just yet. Maybe, if you tell us, oh I don't know, maybe who else is in this little hero group?" Sheldon listed off all of his friends. With every name, another layer of guilt surrounded him. He was only doing this to get his son back. He had never met his son, but he had seen photos of him and had contacted the boy's mother. They were on good terms.

"Barry Bee Benson?" said Wario. "I want you to bring us the Chaos Emerald once you've stolen it. It will save us a lot of time and effort. Also, I want you to shoot Barry Bee Benson's bee hive on the way here when you return. No questions. Leave now. Do all of this, and tonight you'll have your son back. We're watching you. If you tell ANYBODY about this little deal of ours, we will kill your son, Sheldon Cooper. Goodbye." 

Sheldon wanted to say something, but he could not. He called a taxi and got in the back seat. He cried the whole way back to the mansion. He snuck back in, like he never left in the first place.

Wario called up Stewie. "Our enemies are retrieving the Emerald for us. We're playing them like a fiddle. There is no need to send out a team tonight. We will break their members one by one. Sheldon will kill Barry Bee Benson's whole hive. We can just sit back and enjoy the show."

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