Chapter 8

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The team landed back at HQ. Shrek groaned when he noticed Rodrick Heffley holding on to his mighty ogre leg. "We got a castaway!" he groaned. Knuckles picked up Rodrick and carried him to Bill while Paul and Jimmy brought Shrek to the medical office on the 2nd floor. Mike joined Knuckles to give Bill the Emerald. When Bill saw Rodrick, he sighed. He told Rodrick that he could stay for the night, and that they would decide what to do with him in the morning. Bill took the white Emerald and put it on the pedestal in the dining hall, right next to the green Emerald. 

The team went to bed. The next day they would decide their next move and celebrate their victory.

In the dead of night, Sheldon activated the device he had been working on for the past week. When he activated the device, all of the security cameras in the mansion would shut off. He could turn them back on whenever he wanted.

Sheldon snuck into the weapons room. He took a glock .45 and stuffed it in his pockets. Then, he stole the two Chaos Emeralds from the dining hall. He teleported to Central Park.

Everything he did was for his son. He just wanted him back. When he had him, he would leave the country and change his name.

He walked through the park and spotted Barry's hive. Sheldon took out the glock .45 and hesitated. His arm was shaking. Was he really going to kill thousands of innocent bees? He cocked the gun and aimed it for the hive. "Forgive me God." He said. He pulled the trigger. He flinched at the sound and began to cry. The hive fell from the tree and shattered on the dirt. The bees that survived flew away, but there were not many. Sheldon just wanted his son back. He teleported to the alleyway with the power of the Emeralds. 

"So you finally have it? AND you shot the hive. I'm impressed." said Wario. He and his brother Waluigi were awaiting Sheldon's arrival. Sheldon handed over the Chaos Emeralds to them. 

"Give me my son." he said. His gun was in his pocket.

"Fine. I'll get him" said Waluigi. He opened the door to the building and entered it. He exited the building with a young boy.

The boy's mouth was covered with duct tape. Sheldon could here his muffled screams. The boy had black hair and wore a striped Polo shirt. He was shaking and covered in his own blood. 

"Freddie!" Sheldon exclaimed as he ran to his son and hugged him. They were united at last. Sheldon gently tore off the tape from Freddie's mouth. "My son. Freddie Benson." Sheldon was crying hysterically. 

"Dad?" asked Freddie in a quiet voice. He began to cry. He hugged his Dad. 

"Its okay Freddie. You're safe now." Sheldon whispered. Sheldon then stood up rapidly and whipped out his gun. He shot Wario in the head, killing him. He aimed his gun at Waluigi. 

"Wario! No!" Waluigi cried. His brother was dead. "Please...don't kill me. P-Please!" he was crying his heart out.

"Bazinga!" said Sheldon as he shot Waluigi in the leg, making him collapse to the floor. Sheldon pulled his son onto Wario's motorcycle, and together they drove off. They were fugitives from the Memesistance. Sheldon left the Chaos Emeralds with Waluigi. He did not care about them anymore. All he cared about was his son. 

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