Chapter 10: Trouble Has Started

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Allie's P.O.V

Later that day, me and Linkin both headed home an hour later. I could've stayed there forever, it was so peaceful. I wish my life was easy; like a bird who can fly free without any boundaries or worries. Just as I yawned my door flung open.

"Ever heard of knocking Luke?" I said sarcastically.

"Hahaha, very funny. Look the guys are coming over tonight for a sleepover." Linkin said mischievously.

"Who's coming?" I asked.

"Hillary, Matthew, Zack, Susan and Carly. The whole bunch." he snickers, "can I ask you a question Al?" his eyes glistened.

"You just did," I laughed.

"No, being serious. Who was that boy you came home with the other day?" he said curiously, I just froze. I totally forgot about him. Ricky, Richard, Ryder… Ryder, Ryder! That's his name!

"Who, Ryder?" I said.

"Yeah whatever his name is, stay away from him." talk about protective much. Sigh.

"You don't know him," I defended.

"Neither do you," then we heard aunt Jay Jay call downstairs. "We're finishing this later." he said sternly.

I groaned a fell back onto my bed. I looked at the clock is read: 4:41PM. Looks like I better start getting ready for the sleepover. I changed into my blue printed bear pyjamas, got a big supply of food ready and set some blankets in the living room, for when we're gonna watch the films.

Ding, Dong

I looked at clock; 5:13. Here come the beasts of hell. Linkin opens the front door and immediately Carly jumps on me, like a dog who just found its long-lost owner.

"What happened to you that night missy?" she yelled in my ear.

"You're deafening me Car, get off!" I struggled under Carly and she just laughed. My best friend everyone; Carly the weirdo. She got off of me and I knew I had to tell her, otherwise she'd interview me like I committed a murder.

"What film first?" Zack asked, taking a seat next to Hillary and Matthew on the floor.

"Devils Due," I said.

"That don't come out for another week, how'd you get it?" Matthew asked.

"Tom, remember him? The one who sells pirate copy films. Got it off of him." I explained, making Susan mutter "should've guessed". I put the film in while Linkin and Zack got the food and drinks. We had four bowls of popcorn, and seven cups of coke (one each). For me; I snuck a tub of blueberry ice cream for me and Matthew because we are like, in love with the stuff!

Susan, Zack, Hillary and Linkin sat on the sofa, while I sat on the floor with Matthew and Carly. Every now and then, me and Matthew would take a huge scoop of ice cream and eat it without Carly knowing. Carly would kill someone for this, so that's why we're not telling her.

Half way through the film Carly jumped, accidentally knocking the spoon out of Matthew's hand and… Donk. Straight onto Hillary's head. Ouch.

"What the fuck?" She screeched. Me and Matthew couldn't stop laughing! He face was so funny. After our laughing fit, Carly saw the ice cream and stole my spoon then eating the remaining ice cream and kept shooting dirty glances towards me and Matthew.

After the film we played Truth or Dare. What? We love the game.

Hillary spun the empty glass cup and it landed on Carly.

"Truth or Dare?" Hillary asked evilly.

"Dare." she said cautiously.

Hillary smirked, "I dare you to talk like Scooby Doo for the rest of the night." Carly nodded, but instead, she sounded like a chipmunk!

Carly spun the bottle and it landed on me. Oh no…

"Truth or Dare?" she asked.

"Dare," I said bravely.

"I dare you to get on top of the roof, and shout "I love bananas!"." I grinned.

"Dare excepted." I said. I got up and ran to the balcony upstairs, I climbed out the window and onto the ladder being carful not to fall. I climbed up the ladder and onto the hard tiled roof. I took a deep breath and shouted "I love bananas!" causing everyone below out front to start cracking up. I thought, I'd advance it. I started doing the Harlém Shake, then stopped. From the distance I saw a figure walk towards our house.

Once their face was illuminated by the street lamp, I saw who it was. What is he doing here? No please, let it be a dream!

Linkin saw my expression and shouted up, "What's wrong?" I couldn't keep the tears at bay anymore and let them spill.

"Terry's here!" I yelled. Linkin and the others ran back inside, I panicked and tripped down the ladder and fell onto the edge of the balcony. Ow. I locked the balcony door and ran downstairs to see Zack with a baseball bat in hand, aunt Jay Jay looking angry than ever and the others huddled in the living room. I sat next to Linkin and hugged him. This is the first time he's been here in two years, why does he have to come here now, when me and Linkin have been trying to get away from him for the past two weeks? Why suddenly pop up and cause us trouble?

Knock, Knock, Knock

This is it, he's gonna take us back, and beat us until we die. I wish I could just stop my life and put it into rewind back to the day at the field. So trouble-less, and I had nothing to worry about. Please don't take us back, I repeat in my head. That's all I hear before I hear wood crack.


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