Chapter 23: So Close

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Sam's P.O.V                (OMG :D)

"I still can't believe he made you do that," Josh said next to me.

"I know, I really like Allie as well, but, Eric has to go and make me do that. Do you even realise how hard it was to say that and not burst into tears?" I said laying down on Josh's bed.

"No, I don't." he paused. "But I do know how to make you happy again...."

"No, no! No Josh, I am not going to a party." I barked.

"Come on! You haven't been to a party since you laid eyes on her."


He sighed, "Fine. The party's at eight thirty if you wanna come, you got three hours to decide." he said exciting the room.

I closed my eyes and pulled the pillow over my head. The only reason why Eric made me do that was because Allie was in the way. Not long ago; we had a mate called David, he was head over heels about this girl Olivia. But one day, he went with her and lost contact with us. Then not long after, Allie and her brother came. Susan, Carly, Zack, Hillary and Matthew were already here and soon started hanging out with David and Olivia. Allie and Linkin then joined the 'friendship group' and David never spoke to us again or hang around with us.

I didn't want to do that to Allie, I like her, a lot. But it always seems like I'm just a dog to Eric, when ever I do something good he treats me or whenever I do something bad he scolds me and drags me away from the scene by my lead (leash) and to the kennel. The reason Eric made me do that was because he thought he was gonna loose me to. Eric, Josh and Rick are like brothers to me, it's hard to decide over your three best mates or the love of your life. Yes I did just say love of your life; I love Allie.

Maybe I will go to that party, it might just clear my mind and give me a break. But what if I do something I regret? Like hooking up with another girl? I know for sure Josh is the only one on my side at the moment and he would be the only one to stop me because right now, Eric and Rick don't give a fuck about how I feel. If they really did, they wouldn't have made me do that. Anyway, if Allie does decide to come back to me and wants to be with me, I will go with her. I just hope I don't do anything I regret tonight, otherwise I might as well just move to dads house in America and stay there.

I climb of Josh's bed and walk downstairs and to the front room. "Let's go get ready, we have a party to attend." I smiled.

"That's my boy!" Josh says jumping up from the sofa and walk over to me. He pats my back as we walk back up the stairs to get ready for a night I might regret.

(A/N: By the way Sam and the boys don't know about Allie being kidnapped by Terry and Kloe. He also doesn't know about Ryder.)

Allie's P.O.V

6 hours. 6 long, hours have passed since Terry and Kloe dragged me down to the basement and left me. The basement was dark, damp and dreary. The walls were made of a solid brick that were cold, whenever you lent against them; you would get goosebumps. Every now and then you would see mice or cockroaches run around on the hard, cold floor. Then sometime after I was put in here, I woke up and saw that I wasn't wearing any socks or shoes, I was wearing white knee-length leggings with a grey t-shirt.

I needed to find a way out of here and fast. The thing is, this the old house me and Linkin used to live in with Terry before we moved to aunt Jay Jay's or should I say: Kloe.

"Allie, you're wanted in the living room, now." Kloe said from the door way. I stood up slowly and glared at her as I passed by. I walked up the stairs that lead to the main part of the house, and into the living room.

"Sit down Allie. We need to talk." Terry said bluntly, no emotion seen on his face.

"About what?" I asked sitting down on the sofa opposite him.

"We need you to do something for us. You see, Linkin has always been our favourite kid and you were just a mistake. So, we need you to call Linkin and tell him we're doing an exchange. If Linkin comes back to us, we'll let you go. But if you don't; it'll be you who pays the price for his life even though we'll still get him when you're no longer around." he grinned.

"No! I'm not putting Linkin's life at risk-"

"We'll get him either way! With you dead or alive!" he said, his face red with anger. They'll get Linkin either if I'm dead or alive. Man I'm really tied up...

"So what's it gonna be?" Kloe asked.

I ignored her question, "Can't I have time to think?"

"I guess we could give you two hours to think." he nodded in Kloe's direction, causing her to grab my arm tightly and drag me back to the basement.

When we reached the stairs, she pushed me down them and slammed the door behind her. I groaned at the pain and saw my wrist turning a slight purple colour, I winced when I lightly grazed my finger over it. I stood up from my crouched position and started walking around the room, looking for an exit. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw light, I walked closer and realised it was a window. I pulled on the handle only for the window to be locked, I groaned in frustration and looked in the other corners.

I walked over to the corner of the basement I sat in before I went up stairs and grabbed the piece of chalk I found. I drew a single line meaning how many days I've been here. Then reality hit me, I'm gonna die here. I'm never gonna get out and see Linkin, Carly, Susan, Hillary, Zack, Matthew, Sam or Ryder again. I weakly pulled my legs us and wrapped my arms around my knees, connecting my hand and resting my head on my legs. I soon felt my eyes grow heavy and I drifted off.


"Allie, Allie!" I heard someone whisper. "Come on; we need to go now!" I opened my eyes and saw... Linkin?

"Linkin what are you doing here?" I whispered to him as I jumped to my feet.

"To save you, now come on we gotta go now!" I nodded and followed him up the stairs and through the house, when we came to the front door, Linkin motioned for me to be extra quiet. He carefully lifted up the lock which made a loud clank sound causing Linkin to curse under his breath.

I turned around and saw a shadow, "Linkin." I said.


"Turn around." Linkin turned around and the shadow, it looked inhuman. It had a glowing outline and held a sharp object which had a red liquid dripping off of it. I gasped as I realised the pair of two dull, brown eyes.

"I told you I would get him either way Allie, with you dead or alive." Terry said and lunged the sharp object in my side. I then saw blood dripping down my leg.

"You were always a mistake," Terry whispered before I felt my body go numb and lifeless.

I woke up sweating and breathing heavily. I immediately looked around the room and saw no Linkin or Terry. I leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes. My attention was then turned to the sound of the door opening.

"Made your mind up yet?" Terry asked.

I opened my eyes; "Yes, I have,"

"What option is it then?"

"I'll call Linkin and tell him about the exchange." I know what I was doing, I just hope my plan works.

"Alright, lets get the call done now, shall we?" I nodded and stood up, then walked up the stairs, Terry following closely behind. We walked into the kitchen and Terry grabbed the phone attached to the wall. When he dialled the number, I glanced at the rolling pin on the counter. Just as he was about to turn around; I grabbed the rolling pin and him as hard as I could around the face. He lost balance and dropped the phone, I took this chance to run to the front door, I fiddled as quickly as I could with the lock and when I unlocked it, I opened the door and ran down the street. I kept on running until I could no longer hear footsteps following me. I took a sharp turn into an alley way and looked back to see no-one there.

Suddenly, two hands wrapped around me, one on my waist the other around my mouth, muffling my screams for help. "Thought you could get away? Well think again!" Terry growled in my ear as he started dragging me back to the house of hell.


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