Reunion #1

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I do not own Voltron legendary defender and it's characters.


He woke up from his temporary sleep when he felt the lion hit a surface. He grunted and rubbed his eyes trying to remember what was going on. He looked at Pidge and noticed she was sleeping with a tense expression. Her hands kept twitching along with her right eye and she pursed her lip. He frowned and leaned over to her. He tried to remember anything about his time with Katie when he was younger. How much has she changed? She couldn't have changed that much, Shiro said she still had about the same qualities. He picked up her head and rest it on his lap. She grunted and shifted in her sleep, her eyebrows knit together. He ran his fingers through her hair and started to mumble about the story he was telling her before. It was a weird story he learned in garrison on Earth that he tried to tell her to soothe her before she went to the chambers. He shivered remembering her condition. He felt her head lean toward his hand and he shot his hand back in surprise. He looked down to see her smiling. She pouted and whimpered at the absence of his hand and he slowly continued to pet her hair. She smiled slightly again and she eased up. He studied her smile and he grimaced at the similarities between Pidge and Katie. He can't believe he didn't notice it before. Shiro got up from his seat. "Well passengers, you have arrived at your destination." He said in the perfect voice of an air plain pilot. Matt smiled and pushed his anger at Shiro aside. He couldn't afford to be mad. Not while Katie was like this. Shiro held his hand out to Matt. Matt gently placed Katie's head on the seat and took Shiro's hand. Shrio picked up Katie bridal style and led Matt out of the lion. When he exited the lion he saw five people standing  there. He felt a strong wave deja vu as he noticed that three of them looked the same as the ones in Katie's illusions. One of them was dark skinned and had brown hair. He wore blue armor and a smirk. He had his arm draped around one with shoulder length black hair and red armor. He was pale and his bored and annoyed expression greatly differed from the blue one's. The next one was another dark skinned boy who was larger and wore yellow armor. He had brown hair and wore a huge welcoming smile. There were another two people who he didn't recognize. The both resembled humans but he knew better. One wore a long gown, was dark skinned. And had white hair. She had unnaturally blue eyes and a wide smile similar to the yellow guy's. The other alien had a pale face and orange hair. They both had blue markings on the side of their face and they had pointed ears. When they walked out all the people on the bottom looked up and gave wide smiles. The blue one looked at Katie and whooped and punched the air. They all ran to Shiro and hugged him. Matt felt like a stranger. He stood awkwardly and waited till the happy reunion was over. After the hugs they started asking about Katie's condition and what happened before the alien lady noticed his presence. "Shiro who is this? He looks like Pidge." She added as an after thought. The rest of the group stared him and he felt uncomfortable by the change of attention. Shiro tensed up. "This is Matt holt, Pidge's brother." As soon as Shiro said that the group started firing questions at him and Shiro. He felt the headache he had spice the escape grew and he clutched his head. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up to see Shiro giving him a concerned expression. Matt waved off his hand and crossed his arms. "Enough." Shiro said in a firm voice and the rest quieted. "How long has she been out?" The lady asked. "The whole ride." She nodded and took Katie in her arms. Matt realized that he didn't know who this lady was and she was currently carrying his sister. He tried to object to his sister going anywhere without him, but it came out as a pathetic, croaky "wait". The lady turned and looked at Matt with kind eyes. She bent down to look him in the eye which Matt found slightly offensive, and she spoke. "Sorry, you must be utterly confused. I am Allura princess of Altea, this is my advisor Coran and these are the paladins. I would love to finish these inteoductions, but you and your sister are in a bad condition and I would prefer to heal you first." Matt swayed a little bit but stood his ground. "How are you going to heal us?" He asked. "Through a healing pod," Allura said. "It is a very fast healer and can work for any species." It took him a few seconds to process what she said. "Okay but she has to use it first." She smiled and he almost keeled over before he stopped himself. She looked at him with a concerned look similar to Shiro's and then smiled once more. "Don't worry! We have more than one!" He nodded and felt himself sway again. Shiro held on to his shoulders to steady him before he could fall. He didn't know why he felt sudden fatigue and it frustrated him. "You haven't slept in a while Matt. Go to sleep we will heal you and our sister." Matt tried to protest but he felt himself slipping into unconsciousness for the first time in weeks.
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter! PLZ give recommendations for ships asap and for more information look at my "update". Thanks!

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