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I was taking an unannounced break this weekend and I completely forgot to tell you guys. My goal was to at least be one of those writers who updates everyday. 😅 but don't worry I have a chappie for you guys. Also I'm setting up a voting goal. Every chapter I'm going to ask for a vote goal. That way as soon as it's met I'll update that next day. If it isn't I won't update the next day. Sorry but I think this way I can have time to write better chapters and I can see if you guys actually like this book or not. K enjoy the chappie! (Also I know it's a rewritten version of the last chapter but this one is better in my opinion and Matt's POV is in it soooo...)

She was frozen.

There was no other way to explain her current situation.

She knew that if the substance in the galra machine turned warm, it was to knock her unconscious, but now it freezing off her fingertips.

Ok that was an exaggeration, but it was still pretty cold.

Another thing to add was her weight. She had been floating around in her little machine for a while. Now she had stopped floating and no longer felt light.

She still had no  idea why she was in this machine in the first place. She knew she was obviously no longer in her cell. That must have meant she was being tortured, but she didn't feel any pain.

Maybe they were accessing her memories. Well she wished them good luck. She couldn't even do that herself.

The substance drained out of the machine but it didn't change the current sensation she was feeling. She only felt heavier.

How about Matt? Was he still in the cell? If they had a memory accessing machine shouldn't there be more prisoners here?

The door of the machine made a whirring sound and light seeped in through the cracks.

She flinched at the sudden exposure to light as the door opened fully. She felt herself lurch forward.

She fell out of the machine and shut her eyes, bracing for impact. She waited, and after a while, she realized she still hadn't collided with the floor yet.

She opened her eyes and saw two hands lift her up and put her in a standing position. She resisted the urge to spit in disgust.

When she was up right, she looked up at the guard that caught her. He was wearing all black and had no helmet.

She felt a little surprised when she realized that the guard was human. She searched her mind to see if she had ever met a man with a white tuft of hair and a robotic arm, but every time she did, her head hurt.

She gave up on trying to identify the illusion and came to the conclusion that she wouldn't let the galra get a reaction out of her.

She stood there emotionless and blinked slowly. The gaurd took a step towards her and she involuntarily flinched and took a step back.

The gaurd looked hurt, but he took a step back. "Uhhh... Pidge?" He asked.

Pidge? Was that supposed to be her name? Last time she checked, Haggar told her name was Katie.

She let it go.

One of the other people in the room walked up to the guard with brown and white hair. He had orange hair similar to hers and was a few inches taller than her.

Recovery (A Voltron book) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now