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Yeah um, I forgot about this fic for a while. My bad. I'm actually going on a trip to San Fran tomorrow so hopefully, I can write in the ride there but probably not. so I'm updating today. ENJOY!


When she woke up the second time from a deep sleep, the sensation she felt was much different. She felt solid and her scars were tingling.

Her eyes were still closed and she couldn't seem to open them, but she could still get a feel of her surroundings.

She was in what felt like a hospital bed and she felt a fabric wrapped around her stomach. Her hunger and thirst had diminished, but she did need to use the bathroom.

She shifted a little and suddenly became aware of the hand on her cheek. She tensed and stayed still.

A gasp sounded in the room. "K-Katie?" A shaky voice asked. She tried to identify the voice. It sounded much different than the voices of the galra illusions and she knew the galra never referred to her as Katie.

Was this Matt? Probably.

She tried to answer or open her eyes to respond, but she couldn't. We body wouldn't let her. She felt the hand on her cheek fall off and she instantly felt the loss of warmth.

She shifted her slightly to the right trying to ask for his hand back. Matt chuckled and ran his fingers through her hair.

"Jeez, your hair got shorter. Didn't think you liked my hair. But it grew, didn't it? I don't think you would pass off as a boy with little past shoulder length hair."

She felt herself smile. He was babbling. His hands stopped for a second before continuing.

"How was life before you were caught? Sh-Shiro told me some stories..."

She frowned internally. Why did he sound so strange?

"I've seen some of your memories too on accident. You looked like you were having the time of your life."

She did and that's all she wants back now.

"I've been feeding you so you aren't as boney I guess. That galra goo sucked. I mean altean goo isn't the best either but it's definitely better."

She smiled again. This time he stopped for longer.

"Are you awake?"

His voice sounded dangerous. He sounded very close to broken and she didn't know why.

She tried to nod but only managed to shift her head more to the right, so her cheek rested on her pillow.

"I-I've been thin-"

He took a deep breath.

"I've been thinking about what you said."

He deadpanned. She felt a fist squeeze her heart. She was the reason for his worrying. She had told him that the illusions of all those people were illusions, and when she did,

She saw the hope die from his eyes.

The fist squeezed her heart again and she frowned.

He moved his fingers away. "Sorry, I'm probably hurting you."

She wanted to shout, "NO! You're doing everything right!"

But she couldn't.

He sighed. "I had a nightmare. If your awake and wondering why I sound so pathetic."

She stiffened. She knew what nightmares felt like after being captured. You didn't get fully over them until the next day or two. She wanted to hug him very badly.

"It was nothing really I'm overreacting, but I umm...

I could really use you right now."

She felt her heart hurt. How could she wake up? She wanted to comfort him- she needed to be there for him. He was alone surrounded by galra illusions.

A memory that felt foreign to her suddenly hit her like a truck. Flashes of her with a team of people went through her mind.


"Hey, small bean!" Lance shouted at her with a smirk

"How was your sleep Pidge?" Allura ignored Lance and smiled at her.

"You guys! I told you to wake me up before the mission!" She fumed

Shiro chuckled. "We tried but you were sleeping like a comma patient. You really need to go to bed more often." He said the last part worriedly and she waved him off, silently happy that he was concerned for her health.


She was attacking the training bot. It swung a stick at her and she ducked smoothly, hitting the stick out of the drone's hand.

A guy in a dark gray shirt, a red jacket wrapped around his hip, black pants, and slightly longer hair than most guys, watched her from the back of the room and yelled advice on how to beat the drone occasionally.

When she was finally able to kick off its head. The boy walked up to her and started lecturing her on her fighting stance. She nodded quickly and wiped the sweat off her forehead.


"Shiro let me go."



She felt her eyes snap open. She gasped and jumped up, breathing heavily and sweating. Where was she?

She whipped her head around trying to steady her heart. Questions were flooding her mind.

What was that? Who were the people she saw in her dream? Why did they look so familiar? Why couldn't she remember them? Why-


Matt jumped back and looked at her with wide eyes. He looked her over and his look softened.

"Are you okay?! What happened?!"

She kept looking at him breathing heavily. He raised an eyebrow at her in a questioning glance.

She suddenly felt very hot and her legs were burning. She looked down at her lap and saw a blanket covering her. She pushed it off muttering about the temperature in the room.

"Are you hot? Should I change the room temperature?"

She looked at him again and the memory of what he was saying when she was unconscious came to her. She smiled at him and hugged him. He stiffened before relaxing and awkwardly placing his hands around her.

"So does this mean you are fine? Any pain?"

She shook her head in his chest. "My knees are tingling but that's it." He nodded and hugged her tighter.

"We need to talk."

OKAY. So I am officially the worst at updating, but I assure you that I will go back to my old updating schedule. Hope you guys like the chappie!


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