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I don't have any announcements currently except for enjoying the chapter! VOTE GOAL IS 15 AGAIN!!!


"Promise you'll come back soon?!" His little sister half questioned and half demanded. He chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"I promise!"

Suddenly he heard a noise and he was no longer on earth but on Kerberos. His Dad, Shiro, and Him were running and trying to escape the tractor beam.

As soon as the beam hit him, he lost consciousness.

The voice of his sister sounded through his ears.

"You promised."


He gasped and woke up. But this time he was in a galra cell. Was this still a dream?

He sat in the cell trying thinking of how he got here when he had escaped, but a dark thought lingered in his brain,

"How do you know they aren't illusions?"

Did the illusions wear off? His shoulders slumped and he sat in silence.

Suddenly he heard a scream echo through the hall. He jumped up and suddenly a picture of Katie passed through his mind.



Haggar smiled a cruel smile.

"You know, I have been in need for an apprentice..."

She pulled on Katie's hair to lift her up and she shot lightning at Matt.

Pain racked his body and he screamed.


Matt woke up sweating and tears falling down his face. After concluding that everything he saw was just a nightmare, he breathed a huge sigh of relief and wiped the tears from his eyes.

That's when he noticed the body next to him. He jumped back in surprise. Who is that?

He noticed that on top of the blanket that was covering the small person on the bed, there was a tuft of orange hair. He pulled on their shoulder to reveal Katie's peaceful face.

He smiled and looked around. He was in a plain room that looked strangely like a bedroom and the bed had a colored blanket.

He slipped off the bed and searched for a chair. After intense looking (Read: groggily walking around the room) he found a chair set up next to a book shelf. He assumed it was placed there so higher books could be reached, although he could perfectly reach all the books on the shelf.

He also happened to find what looked like blueprints and a notebook in the room. He shrugged it off and moved the chair next to the bed. He found some peanut butter cookies on the desk and he grabbed them hoping no one would notice.

He sat down and watched Katie sleep peacefully in silence hoping to get his mind of his nightmare.

After a while, he started to involuntarily rub his hand against her cheek. He kept watching her chest rise and fall until he felt the muscle under her cheek tense up and she stilled.

He gasped "K-Katie?" He stammered. Dammit. There goes his attempt to forget his nightmare. After a few seconds, Katie relaxed and started breathing normally.

He slipped his hand off her cheek and ran it through his hair. Great, now he was seeing things.

Katie shifted her head towards him and he chuckled, concluding that she was half asleep now. He started to play with her hair and attempted to talk to her to get her awake and to get his mind off things

Recovery (A Voltron book) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now