Feelings (not the romantic kind)

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I was able to post today! The chappie might be boring but hey, I tried. Shout outs go tooo...


I don't own voltron, unedited. ;)


She felt her world become vivid and she knew she was awake. It took her a while to build up the courage to open her eyes, but when she did she couldn't move. She panicked as the memory of her getting captured resurfaced.

She looked around but she couldn't see anything. There was only a slight blue haze. Tears formed in her eyes but she blinked them away. She knew this was all an illusion. There was no escape for her.

She thrashed around In attempt to free herself from whatever she was in. She heard slight voices outside that were slowly raising. She smirked slightly, happy that she could still piss the galra off.

She kept moving around but suddenly the substance she was in had grew warmer. She stopped moving and panicked again. What were they doing?! She thrashed again, but she noticed that her movements were a lot more sluggish than before.

Slowly her feeling of fatigue increased and she fell asleep,

scared and hopeless.


He woke up in the strange substance again, but he realized that this time the armored people who were surrounding Katie were now surrounding him. One of them noticed his eyes slightly open and bounced excitedly. He tried to smile but he was too tired.

He noticed that the ache in his joints had disappeared and with disbelief, he realized his leg had healed. How long had he been in the healing pod for so much to heal? Months? When would Katie come out?

He saw the lady who had knocked him unconscious when he woke up the last time smile at him. She stretched her arm out and hit a button on her panel.

He suddenly felt heavy, and the substance had gone unusually cold. A door that he had never noticed before opened and he tried to step out of the pod. When he came out he felt heavier than he did before and stumbled.

He braced for impact but he felt someone holding his shoulders. He looked up and saw the blue armored one smirking at him. "Why hello-" "Lance stop now please." The red one interrupted him. "I'm trying to welcome him to the world of the living Keith." Lance said.

Keith shook his head and rubbed his temple with his hand, the other hand placed on his hip. Lance helped him up and Matt was finally able to stand.

He widened his eyes in surprise when he realized that he wasn't in pain. His leg was completely normal. He bent his knee and saw that it bent in the right direction with no problems at all.

He felt a huge smile form on his face and he let out a slight giggle. God he sounded crazy.

Lance raised an eyebrow at him but met his smile. "It feels great right?" Lance asked. Matt smiled at him and he was glad that someone understood how he felt right now.

He looked at all the boys in front him. They all looked at him with amused faces. Matt gave them all smiles feeling giddy at the re use of his limb. He saw Katie's pod behind the group and his smile vanished.

She had a pained expression and she had wires holding her hands and legs down. He remembered the feeling of panic he had when he woke up for the first time in the pod. He'd thought he was still in galra prison.

At the time he was able to see there were no soldiers, but what if Katie couldn't? The rest of the people In The room had noticed Matt's angered expression. "What is it?" Keith asked

"Why are you restraining her?" He asked trying it calm him self down. Keith frowned. "She was thrashing around before." Matt's eyes widened. He knew it. She still believed she was in prison.

"Has it not occurred to you, that the sensations she is feeling right now is very similar to the sensations she felt at the prison?" He asked

Lance looked confused. "What are you taking about?" "She woke up in a strange machine, still believing that she is in Galra prison and you think having restraints helps her imagination?" Matt explained.

Lances mouth formed an o. "Why does she think she is still in the prison." Hunk asked. Matt's expression turned grim. "When your a galra prisoner, you slowly start to believe that there is no outside world." Hunk's eyes widened.

"In fact I still think I'm in an illusion." Matt murmured. "What?" Hunk and lance asked, but he waved them off. Keith, though, had a grim expression that mirrored his own.

Lance and Hunk left the room saying that they had stayed up long enough. When they left Keith put his hand on Matt's shoulder. "You both will get through this. And trust me, we're all real."

Matt bit his lip. "How can I be sure? I know Katie is real but how do I know you all are?" Keith looked confused when he said Katie's name but he recovered quickly. "I don't know how to prove it to you, but Im pretty sure illusions look at least slightly different than real people."

Matt smiled. "Yeah I guess your right." Keith waved him goodnight and he left to bed as well. Matt sighed and walked over to Katie's pod. He put his hand on the pod. It was warm,

So much different than how he felt

Ahhhhhh. 935 words! I hope you guys enjoyed! Construction criticism is appreciated!

My friend says that my sign off name makes me sound like a guy. 🙄 It does not.

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