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HEYYY! ONE THOUSAND READS!!! I love you guys! Hope you enjoy this unedited chapter! Also the chapter is really bad so prepare for a badly written, rushed, unedited chapter! (I'm re writing this chapter tomorrow so if you want you can skip this update and read tomorrow's)

Pidge was frozen.

That was the only way she could explain it. She knew she was still in the galra machine but she didn't know what was happening right at that moment.

She remembered how the substance turned warm before she passed out. That must mean that when it's warm, she's supposed to fall asleep.

But now it was freezing cold.

She couldn't move.

So she was frozen. That was Hagar's new form of torture. Freezing her.

She didn't really understand how that would help. She also didn't understand why Haggar tortured her in the first place.

She didn't know anything.

She shrugged it off. Or at least tried to, being frozen and all.

She suddenly felt herself go heavy. What? Light seeped in from the cracks of the door and the substance drained out, making her feel heavier than ever.

What was Haggar doing? Was she healing her maybe? So she could be tortured more?

She got a sudden headache and she clutched her head.

Healing? In a blue substance...

Why was that so familiar?

The door opened and she fell out. She braced for impact but it never came. She felt two hands holding her up.

Anger bubbled up inside her. She would rather have fell on the floor than be caught by a galra.

Unable to attack she stood still. The soldier steadied her and she stood there. She almost jumped back when she got a good look at the soldier but she regained her composure.

The soldier looked human. He wasn't purple at all and he wasn't wearing uniform. What?

Who was this guy? She tried to remember if she had ever seen someone with a white tuft in their hair, but every time she tried to think about it her headache came back.

She let it go and concluded this was an illusion to throw her off. This wouldn't be the first time.

She continued to stand there emotionless. The soldier (she was going to call him black, he was wearing all black clothes) scratched his neck.

"Uhhh.... Pidge?" He said nervously. Was he talking about her? Her name was Katie according to Haggar...

She continued to stand there blinking slowly. A 'boy' smaller than black walked up to him. "She can't talk. Some thing about her vocal cords getting damaged."

The boy looked VERY familiar but she couldn't tell where from. A woman with long white hair walked up to her.

She leaned back as much as she could trying to get away from the illusion. The woman looked hurt, but she schooled her features.

Judging by the woman's pointy ears she probably wasn't human. Katie's  head throbbed but she payed no attention to it.

"Her vocal cords mended while she was inside. Her voice will be croaky but she can talk now."

What? She could talk?

She wanted to try it out but she would wait till she got in her cell. She didn't want to give them the satisfaction to know that she's listening to what their saying.

Black stepped forward. She flinched and involuntarily took a step back. Dammit. There goes her no reaction attempt.

Black looked more hurt the women did. The one with orange hair walked up to her. She didn't move this time. Why did he look so familiar? He looked at her determined and a memory flashed through her mind.

She was In the prison after her first torture. There was someone holding her and petting her. He was murmuring things to comfort her.

She took a step back and clutched her head. Matt. This was Matt. Her brother. She walked up to hug him.

Right before she hugged him she felt another memory tug at her mind.

Matt screamed. She felt helpless as Haggar tortured her brother. She shuffled in her chains wanting to help him. He met her eyes and gave her a pleading look. Her heart broke.

She grunted and matt looked at her, raising an eyebrow.

She clutched her head again as another memory came rushing in.

She walked down the stairs to tell her mom good night.

When she made it to the stairs something on the T.V. caught her attention. There was a picture of her brother, her dad, and Shiro-

She opened her eyes and saw she was on the floor and Matt, six other people and Shiro were standing over her.

She felt another headache as she involuntarily called black Shiro in her thoughts.

She looked at the T.V. In shock. "Three astronauts Matthew Holt, Samuel Holt, and Takashi Shirogane are lost on the mission to Kerberos. We believe the reasons are to pilot error. The fa-"

The lady's voice tuned to a distance as she felt tears forming in her eyes. Her mother was sitting on the couch, covering her mouth and sobbing quietly.

No. There was no way they died. She wouldn't allow it.

Pilot error they said?

She was going to find out.

Heyy guys. I know the chapter sucks but I will probably write a better version of this tomorrow. So if you don't like this one. It will be fixed. If ur okay with it than ignore tomorrow's update. See ya and love ya!

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