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HEYYYYY soooo today's vote goal is a simple 10 votes! Also if you guys didn't notice, a lot of my chapters are basically one event from three POV's, so prepare for that! Unedited and ENJOY!


He had been waiting there for a while with the other paladins. Katie was supposed to come out any minute now. He leaned against a pillar or the 'waiting pillar' as lance called it.

It was the spot he usually leaned at when he was waiting for something, so it was Lance's little joke about it.

Shiro kept glancing at the healing pod but the substance had gone a darker shade. Allura said this was because Katie was about to leave the pod, but Shiro still tried to look through it.

Matt seemed restless as well. Shiro could tell Matt had not slept because of the way he sagged his shoulders when he thought no one was looking. Or the way he yawned and rubbed his eyes occasionally.

Shiro was worried of what Pidge's impression of him would be. He let her go to the prison. Surely she hated him, and he didn't blame her.

He sighed and considered sliding down the pillar, but he knew he couldn't. He couldn't allow himself to be the uncollected one.

Keith had already talked about his worries to Shiro. He didn't want to want to be the one who leaned on the other paladins for emotional support. A leader was the bridge for everyone else not the other way around.

Nonetheless, Matt had sensed his feelings right away. They talked about each others worries last night. Shiro missed Matt and his friendship.

"When this is all over, we are going over to that restraunt in front of your house and your paying half."

"And who is paying the other half?"

"Katie for leaving the house after I told her not to leave."

Shiro snorted. Matt looked back at him and raised an eyebrow. Shiro shook his head and continued to look at Pidge's pod.

"Alright paladins!"

Allura shouted. Calling them all to attention.

"I need you all to know, when Pidge comes out she might not be in the best condition, so please stay quiet and approach her carefully."

"Your making her sound like a deer caught in a bush." Lance said.

"You might have to treat her like that if the situation is that bad."

The paladins went silent. Shiro bit the inside of his cheek.


After a while of the paladins comparing ticks and seconds again, The wishing sound of the pod door sounded. Unlike the last time Lance was in the healing pod, they all shot up and watched intently as the pod door opened.

Shiro remembered how the people in the healing pods usually fall on the floor when they exit the pod. He walked forward, so when Katie fell out, he grabbed her arms gently to steady her.

She was in a much better condition than when he first saw her. Her arm wasn't in the strange bent angle it was in before and she wasn't wearing a pained expression. She looked more confused.

She looked up after a little bit. He smiled at her but she gave him a look of disgust. Rather she looked at his hands and gave a look of disgust. As if she would rather have fallen then be caught by his hands.

He let it slide and waited. She steadied her self, swaying a bit. After straightening up she schooled her confused expression and she stared blankly at the wall.

After a minute he spoke. "Uhhh... Pidge?" Her finger twitched at his words, but other than that she showed no sign that she acknowledged what he said.

He scratched the back of his neck and bit his lip. Why was she ignoring them? Matt walked up to him and rested an arm on his shoulder.

"She can't talk Shiro. Her vocal cords were damaged." He stated. Shiro felt his eyes widen. How were they able to damage her vocal cords? An idea of how popped up in his head but he quickly pushed it out.

He looked at Allura. If her vocal cords were damaged surely they would've healed in the pod.

Allura shook her head. "Her vocal cords should be healed by now. Her voice will be croaky but it will definitely work." She assured him.

Shiro nodded. So why wasn't she answering him? He took a step toward Pidge in attempt to talk to her again. Once he did she flinched violently and took a step back.

He felt hurt. Did she think he was going to hurt her? He would never do that. She knew that.

"I got this Shiro." Matt whispered at him. He walked toward Pidge. She looked as if she was going to step back again but thought better of it.

He said something to her but he couldn't make it out. She blinked slowly at him. He let out a sharp exhale and then put his hands on her shoulders.

She flinched again but Matt showed no reaction. What was Matt doing?

Suddenly Pidge grunted and staggered. Matt looked up at her and she met his eyes. Her eyes widened and Matt smiled at her.

Shiro was happy that Katie had decided to show emotion, but he was slightly hurt that it wasn't directed at him as well. He pushed those thoughts aside. Matt was her brother, obviously she would be closer to him.

After a while of the paladins watching in angst, they saw open her mouth and say something to Matt. She was inaudible and she looked tense.

Matt shook his head and said something back. What were they saying?

Unable to stand there and watch anymore, Shiro cleared his throat.

Matt turned to look at him and Katie glanced at him with a look of suspicion.

Matt glared at Shiro and gave him a I'm-busy-I'll-tell-you-later look. Shiro shut his mouth and crossed his arms.

Matt had better explain what was happening. All of a sudden Katie gave Matt a severe look.

Matt's smile faltered and he gave a questioning look. She said something back to him and Matt pursed his lips.

Now Shiro was more than confused. What could've happened for Matt to turn from smiling to concerned?

Suddenly Katie stumbled back and clutched her head, seething. Matt's eyes widened in alarm.

He reached toward her but she fell on the floor grasping at her head. What was going on?!

"Katie!" He shouted.

The rest of the paladins rushed forward and panicked. Katie looked like she was in a lot of pain, and if she fell unconscious, they didn't know how long it would take for her wake up.

Matt sat down next to Katie and put her head in his lap. He started petting her hair and muttering something. Katie's faced relaxed and she and Matt shared a smile before she fell unconscious. Matt looked panicked for a second before he relaxed.

The rest of the paladins quieted down as they watched Matt stare blankly at the wall after Pidge lost consciousness. "Matt?" He said. Matt gave no answer but continued to stare, deep in thought.

The rest of the people in the room watched him quietly as he also eventually fell asleep.

SO, that chapter took me too long. But hopefully the next chapter will take a lot less time since my spring break JUST started yesterday. Yeah. So for the next week or so, prepare for MAX two days per chapter. :D


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