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Hellooooo, Let me know if you guys can relate to Shiro in this chapter. ;D. 


"Hello, champion." Shiro heard a voice say bitterly.

He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"It's been awhile."

He heard the voice come from behind him, and when he turned around he was suddenly more aware of his surroundings. He seemed to be on a planet with a dark gray ground and nothing else except the infinite space above him. He tried to make sense of where he was before the voice spoke up again, but this time it was on his right.

"Do you not recognize this place?"

"No." He croaked out. His legs felt weak and his throat was hurting. What was going on? How did he get here?

"Do you not remember when Emperor Zarkon brought you here?"

A sudden memory of Zarkon bringing him to a strange realm to fight resurfaced his mind.

"Good..." the voice murmured, this time very far away from him.

"Who are you?" He managed to force out.

The voice seemed shocked for a quick second before answering.

"Good job. No one has been able to break off my speech enchantments before. Because of this, I think I will reward you my dear creation."

The voice sounded in his mind and his brain felt about ready to explode. Despite this, he stood tall and tried to place who this voice was. A memory of someone who used to call him 'creation' came to him and before he could confront the voice, he felt his mouth close shut.

"Ah, ah, ah. We can't have you know who I am when you wake up my champion. For now, you will just have to trust me."

He felt his mouth open again and before he could ask all the questions plaguing his mind, he felt his body deteriorate and he dissolved into nothingness.


He woke up rather calmly considering his dream. There was no sweat trailing his back, however, the weakness in his calves, his sore throat, and the lingering impression that someone was watching him still stayed. He took a breath to steady his breathing and sat up.

He searched his brain for anything that had to do with his dream but the only thing that came to his mind was an urgent feeling to go and fly in his lion.

He would sometimes, though very rarely, have this instinct to take black on a test run, but this feeling unnerved him. As if an outside force was trying to get him to pilot his lion. He shook his head and chuckled. He was fine. He was in the semi-safety of the castle. Nothing could happen that he couldn't handle.

After sitting for a few more moments, Shiro got up, took off his clothes and stepped into the shower. He did this regularly due to the fact that he often woke up in a cold sweat.

After showering he felt semi-better and was prepared enough to start the day. He was about to change into his normal attire, but his strange and uncomfortable state gave him the strong feeling to do nothing but stay in pajamas and sleep.

Knowing he couldn't do the latter, he chose to only stay in his pajamas. After grudgingly brushing his teeth he walked to the door and opened it to find Keith and Lance bickering not too far from his door.

"Why are you like this?! Do you have to make it a point to annoy me this early in the morning?!"

"How do you even know its the morning?!"

"Because Allura put Earthen clocks in all our rooms idiot!"

"Who are you calling an idiot, Mullet?!"

When Shiro tried to get them to quiet down he wanted to say something along the lines of 'Could you guys not fight for a few minutes?' But instead, it came out as a loud grunt.

Keith, who was fuming, whipped his head around to find the source when he found Shiro standing there, attempting for an intimidating pose.

Shiro was about to tell them off when lance gasped from behind Keith.

"Shiro, why do you look like you just woke up from hay fever?"

Keith elbowed Lance in the ribs before walking up to Shiro.

"Are you okay? You don't look like you're in top condition right now, as Lance just brilliantly stated." He said the last part right after giving Lance a pointed glare.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said, not surprised to find out his voice was croaky.

"No offense Shiro but you don't look fine."

Shiro shrugged. "I probably just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, ill be fine by breakfast. Hopefully."

Keith nodded with uncertainty but he let the subject drop. An awkward silence settled between them before Lance cleared his throat. "Welp! Now that that's settled, imma have me some space goo!"

Lance spun around on his heel and marched down the hall. Before Lance could take a right and enter the dining area, he looked back at Shiro and Keith and smiled. "Hey Keith, race you after breakfast?"

Keith shook his head and scowled. "I would rather eat the space goo."

Lance's eyes twinkled with mischieve. "Oh well. I think I might just go tell the others about that little secret of yours."

Keith's face went beet red. "Y-You wouldn't."

"HEY HUNK!! GUESS WHAT?!" Lance shouted, his hands

Keith let out a sound that sounded a lot like a squeak and ran at Lance who let out a similar sound before running to the dining room, with Keith not too far behind.

Shiro chuckled, not worrying too much about Lance's incoming doom. He tried to walk down the hall but as soon as he walked forward, a pain shot up his leg and the cramps he was previously having coming back.

After self-pitying himself for a good minute, Shiro hauled his weight to his right leg and continued to walk at a sluggish pace. What was wrong with him?

Every time he tried to think of a reason why (Heh heh 13 reasons why. Ok I'll stop now.) his mind would go foggy and he'd get a split second headache. After finally giving up on trying to figure out what was wrong with him, Shiro decided to force himself to walk at a normal pace.

"Is something wrong with our courageous leader?" Said a voice behind him.

Suddenly the memories he recovered during his dream came to him and he stood up gasping. Black spots danced in his vision and he felt himself drop to his knees.

"Ha-ggar." He croaked before the darkness enveloped him and a pair of yellow eyes were the last thing he saw.

Well, that escalated. Hope you guys enjoyed this unedited chapter! (Let me know if I'm good at cliff hangers cuz I kinda suck at them...)  Also, I was originally gonna kill Shiro in this chapter but then I had season two flashbacks...

*Sobs* Sh-Shiro *Sobs*


Love ya!


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