Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of trumpets. "Time to get this day started", I mumble to myself. At that exact moment, my comforter was thrown off me.

   "I think I got the picture with the brass General. I'm up. " I all but growled.  

    "I know, but I've been wanting to do that for a while," and I swear I heard him giggle.

     The General and I go way back to- you know maybe later. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! My name's Olivia Peterson and yes, I just broke the fourth wall. So ha!

Getting out of bed I shuffle into the bathroom to get dressed and halfway through my shower I realized that I left my clothes in my room. Along with the General. I curse my self before throwing a towel on and cracking the door.

   "Dad, could you get out so I can get my clothes, please?" Oh and I forgot to mention, the General is my Dad.

   Without saying anything he just left me to dress and throw my hair in the usual ponytail.
    As I walk out the door I hear the familiar crunch of rock under my feet. No matter how weird it sounded, this was comforting for me.

   Jogging out to the field to get to my group I think of how I managed to get here.


   I had just got back from my 2 mile run I do every morning, and was about to start beating the pulp out of the sandbag. I have nothing to be mad at but still, a girl's gotta prove herself around all these guys...

    Right when I was wrapping my hands my friend and the Generals Sergeant ran up.

    "Dad wants to talk to you," he said he seemed happy but his stature was anything but. A bit of background here - Sam is talking about my dad, we are all so close nit Sam is like a brother to me so don't start the whole 'I shipth thee, the ship has sailed and it's not coming back'. So no ship, I shall not allow it. Ok? Ok.

    Pushing the door open to my dad's office I sit down in his stiff, cold metal chair. He gave me a stern look before speaking.

    "I hope you know why you are here?" He said with about as much compassion and love as he would give the enemy.

"No sir, I was not informed. I am hoping you will tell me." I hope I'm not in trouble for what happened down in the brigs, those boys were asking for it.

  "I have decided that since you will be turning sixteen in a few months that you need to start pulling your own weight- and since you like to spend so much of your free time down in the training center showing up the boys why not train them?" Wait, what?

    I shake my head and try to clear my thoughts, "I'm sorry, did I hear you right?  Did you just say what I think you said? You want me to train these guys?"

    "Yes, your hearing is fine. Why not train them. I mean One you are so good at training them unofficially anyway and Two because you never do much else around here. So why not?" He starts to go over some papers I hadn't noticed before while waiting for my answer.

   "Wow, I feel the love Dad. Well, when do I start, I guess." expecting him to have me start in a week or something.

  Looking back up from his paperwork he gives me the most sinister smirk. I think it was then I knew I was in trouble. "Right now,  your class is waiting. Shoo, shoo."
   I push out of the hard chair and head for the door. "Oh and Olivia, don't think I don't know about what happened in the brigs," he says before Sam closes the door behind me.

         -Flashback over-

And that's how I ended up here training new recruits. But of course, they ended up being stupid, cocky bastards!

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