Chapter 10

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True to her word, my Granny did call Dad. And because I'm nice I'll spare you the torture of the conversation.

      But one thing that she told me is to get to know my mate so that's what I am doing now. Putting on my favorite sweatshirt I walked to the training grounds to see if he was there.  My guess he's a Beta from the power radiating from him. But what do I know I just found out about this.

    Walking up to him I decided to speak first. "Yo! What's up?"

   He looks startled, but still replies, "Hello." 

    "Names Olivia. What's yours?" smooth dude smooth.

    "Eugene." Nice name... 

"Anyway niceties out of the way do you want to meet the alpha?" Now it was my turn to be startled.

   Well, that was unexpected. "Uhhh. Sure." Oh well, I needed to meet him soon anyway. Two birds with one stone I guess.


     Tying my sweatshirt around my waist Eugene opens the door to the main house.
Telling me to get comfortable on the couch, he went to find the Alpha and Luna. Sitting down on the plush couch it was hard not to fall asleep, but right then Eugene came back to the living room with my guess being the Alpha and Luna.

Sitting up straighter I give into my military background... To just seconds later for it to be crushed. Literally, the Luna squished me in a hug so tight I'm surprised I had all my organs intact afterward.

"Sorry, about that, she's been wanting to meet you for a while." That was Eugene.

"But I just got here like two days ago," I said.

"But we have been waiting for his mate for all his life." oh... OHHHH! "Wait. Aren't you just the Luna and Alpha. Shouldn't his parents be the ones excited about meeting his mate?" Now I'm even more confused than before.

"You didn't tell her?" this being directed at Eugene from the Luna.

"No. I didn't want her not to meet you guys. I knew you wanted to meet my mate as soon as possible. So here she is." and at that point, they all stopped their conversation and glanced at me. Then their little explanation was put on hold.

"I guess we should properly introduce our selves. I am Alese White and this is Tyler White. We are Alpha and Luna. We also happen to be Eugene's parents."

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