Chapter 16

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While Olivia, Eugene, Sam, & Brianna were upstairs;  the downstairs was transformed into a storybook wonderland with chandeliers, punch, & glittering gowns.

Eugene's POV

I think that this was the most impressive ball in a while by far, and I think it has something to do with the person standing next to me. Considering how my parents work and the strings they can pull it's honestly no surprise. I just wish they wouldn't have. They know that Brianna and I aren't much for the big stuff. I can hardly believe that Olivia would be.

Olivia POV

Walking down the stairs I look around and can only imagine that if this is how their balls usually are, then I'm in short screwed. I don't know a single thing about fancy etiquette, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I mustered up as much Disney princess as I could and started walking. Thank god I was wearing normal shoes, otherwise, I would be in deep water right now. I also managed to smuggle a little pocket knife into the side of my shoe, just in case I need to castrate anyone. You can never be too prepared. I have to say that the knife is not really that comfortable though.

As a result of my being in la-la land, I almost rammed myself into a person. I stopped right before stepping on his toes.

"Well hello there," the stranger said. "What can I do you for?"

Being caught off guard I said the first thing that popped into my head. "Oh, nothing much, just trying to get a feel of the place....." Stupid, just stupid.

"It's kind of confusing - do you smell that? It smells like... " He wanders off before sniffing closer to me. "Mate," he whispers before tugging me into the opposite room.

"How is this possible?" stranger almost yells while pacing the floor. " You're supposed to be a guy!?"

"Wait? You're gay?"

"Yes and you're supposed to be a guy with brown hair swept just right to the left, with a strip of blond through, and the most gorgeous gray-blue eyes anyone has ever seen. But that's not you, no offense.."

"None taken, bother way. In fact, I have a theory. Is it possible for a scent to wear off onto someone else?" stranger seemed to contemplate this and was about to answer when Eugene and a bunch of guards rammed through the door.

"Let go of her you- oh..." he said obviously expecting stranger in a chokehold or something. Not seeing that he was confused. ", so Ummm what is going then?"

"We were trying to find out who his mate was, you dipstick. Now if you'll please excuse me and leave that would be greatly appreciated." I say in my most snobbish accent.

The stranger silently applauds me. "Well done, now as you were saying, who did you think is my mate?"

I think of a way that might prove my point. " Aha! Eugene! Get your butt over here! " He jumped as I reached my arms out to him as if I was planning to hurt him. Crazy, right?

After he gives me a good hug I pull him off me. " What do I smell like?" I ask Stranger.

"Like him..." he says nearly gagging. " Wait, now it's fading and, now you smell like you again. But what does that mean for finding my mate?" he asks confused.

" Everything...."

"You people! Guards, or whatever. Go find Sam!" I yell in my most authority filled voice.

"Who's Sam?" Stranger asks.

I smile. " Your mate!"

The smile must be contagious because he just lit up the whole room.

Eugene's POV again

I stand here completely confused for the longest time. You know that feeling that means you should be helping, but if you do you'll get yelled at whether you do or don't. that's how I feel right now. I also feel sad because Olivia smiled and I wasn't the one that made her do it. I am going to do that next though. I will make her smile and it will be the best feeling in the world. Then, I may just ask her to marry me, as soon as she is legally allowed. I will show her how much I will love her.

Sam then burst in, in a completely snazzy new suit, but pauses when he smells the air. With a look of complete euphoria mixed with that which I can only assume is guilt, he glances at Olivia who only nods before grasping Stranger in a complete bear hug and smiling like a maniac.


Sam's POV

When the men came bursting into the room saying that Olivia needed me, I assumed that she had ripped her dress again and wanted me to sew it up for her. So when I came in, needle in hand ready to fix whatever she had broke. I nearly yelped in surprise when I saw the man of my dreams, literally just standing there. My first reaction was to go running to his arms, but then I felt guilty for not telling Olivia sooner. I mean, she is my best friend.

So, when I glanced over and she nodded that she understood, I did exactly that. It may have been weird but it was totally worth it.

So, when he whispered in my ear asking me what my name was in his buttery voice, I nearly melted. Then I almost did it again when he repeated it back, bringing shivers to my spine as I gasped in surprise.

Olivia's POV

Feeling like I was interrupting something I slowly eased out of the room motioning Eugene to do the same.

"Isn't that just the cutest sight you've ever seen?" I sigh feeling happy for the couple.

"Yeah it is," he said gazing at me.

With a smile on my face, I leaned over to kiss him. "What was that for?"

"For helping when you could have been an idiot for injuring Sam's mate, but you didn't."

That was when he leaned down to return the favor. " You're welcome..." he whispered before I pulled him in.

And that was how I ended up having a make-out session with Eugene on the couch. and sometime during the night, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

We woke up to someone clearing their throat and mumbling. Peeling open our eyes we glanced up to see both of our families standing there looking at us like anomalies. "You know that the honeymoon is after the wedding right?" his mom prods.

"We didn't do anything!"Eugene almost yells. " We're good kids!"

"Is I bad to say I hope your lying..." my dad intercepts.

"Dad! I'm only 16! I can't do that, I still have school!"

"Fine. maybe not now, but soon. Maybe within the next millennia." I can only roll my eyes.

"Hey, anyone got the time?" I ask worriedly.

"It's ten thirty-two." Tyler answers.

"Crap!" I yelp, " I'm late!" I give Eugene a quick hug and run for our room to grab some clothes.

"What's she late for?" I hear Alese ask.

"Training...I think?" Eugene yawns.

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