Chapter 23

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Winter's POV

   Once the door opened again my wolf took charge, speeding across the base. Going by the training center, rushing through the PT track, and passed what I could only assume to be Oli's mates' office. All walls are full of windows and all. The questioning look he gave us though, almost stopped me in my tracks, almost. I was on a mission if only I could actually know what it was...

   My body finally stopped moving in front of a kitchen. A kitchen? All this because my wolf was hungry! It was then that I remembered Olivia, and smelled the most delectable smell ever. It smelled of peanut butter ice cream and white chocolate...  I never thought they would work well together, but you learn something new every day. 

    My wolf started yipping in my head.' Will you shut it, Rose! What's wrong?' but before I could get an answer a smooth voice took over my attention with one word.


There he was, my mate in all his person... making a sandwich. While his eyes were glued to my face, his hand was still in mid-mayo spread. I don't know whether to call it adorable or weird.

Olivia POV 

I come running up behind, finally catching up to Winter. I see the sight of the two people in the room and understand. Clearing my throat, I break up the tense silence. The two glance at me.

"Umm, hi. you don't know me and I don't know you and you don't know your mate so why don't we all introduce ourselves... I guess. I'll start. I'm Olivia Peterson, mate to Tyler White. And I guess um some info on me is, that I live here, sorta? "

  What I didn't notice while I was introducing myself was that Winter's mate actually started to bow down, like majorly. But when Winter did she stopped him, thank god.

    "You don't have to bow, hun. She's not like that. "
I agree before nodding towards him and his sandwich.

   "And your name is...? "

   "Zeno, my name is Zeno."

Winter's POV

"Zeno... Wow." I say as I just engulf the site of him. His chocolate-colored hair swept up into a cap and his eyes, his eyes had that dark honeyed look to them. They were heavenly, I can't wait to get to know him...

I came back into reality and noticed that I was staring. Not that cute coy stare but that point-blank stare that made you out to be a bit creepy. And he was staring straight back.

'shoot!' I linked my wolf, Rose.
'yeah, well u could just... Oh, I don't know talk to him and stop zoning out! '

'What would I say?! '

'Hmm, let's think. Maybe your name to start. Now go!' and I know at that moment, she shooed me away. Paws and all. And we're back to the staring.

"Hi, I'm Winter!" Slap, slap, mental slap! Errrrggg. It's official, I'm an idiot.

But he didn't look at me like I had two heads like I was expecting. He did something way worse.

He smiled.

It melted me like butter on a sidewalk on a hot summer day.
I could do nothing. For the first time in a long time, I felt out of my own control, and I loved every minute of it.

That was before a girl came out of the next room and confused it all up.
"Hey Z, do you know where the- Oh hello! I didn't know we were getting visitors already! Hi, I'm Jazzmyne, but you can call me Zuzu! And you are?" said the pink-haired person.
"Just wondering what the frick is going on here!"
"Win, meet my sister." Zeno intervenes.

"Twin sister, thanks," Zuzu replied.

I saw someone else do this and figured I'd try it...

QOTD(question of the day) BR (book related): what's your favorite part and/or character in this book?

QOTDR (Question of the day random): Do you have a favorite T-shirt? (what, I said it'd be random!)

CQ(Chapter quote): We are in each other's life for a reason. Thank you for showing up. - David Avocado Wolfe.

Future reference: Winter is not mine and Zeno is not mine, otherwise thus far the others are.

Thank you, humans! Don't forget to eat cheese!

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