Masked Bandit (Halloween 2020)

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A tense silence falls over the room as darkness envelops the house. Then out of nowhere as it may seem, strange noise envelopes the darkroom. This room also happens to be the kitchen of so many of those earlier chapters. And as before, Grape has managed to split from their human and sneak away... to her humans crackers. 

So this is where we find the creature, crouched in a corner scarfing down those precious squares of joy.

(This is where it gets fun! You get to choose one of two options of where you want the story to go, orrrr even better. Write what you want for the rest of this chapter and I'll do something to come up with a gift for the winner! It'll be fun! Anyway... The two options, one in BOLD and one in Italic. Choose one and come to the end of the chapter. I've wanted to try one of these for a while and thought this would be a great time. Now, on with the chapter!)

Option 1: You choose not to rat out the Grape for their misdeed, so you yourself squat next to the pup and stuff your face with these magnificent creations.

Option 2: You choose to call out to Olivia and rat out the Fruit Hound for their theft. While waiting for a response you are caught off guard and are taken hostage and tied up by non-other than grape themselves.

(Now that you've chosen, now to the next part. To see where this goes for your choice.)

Option 1: While you stuff your face you feel this ominous and foreboding presence behind you before realizing that Grape's face had turned a scary shade of white. You slowly tweak your head to the side to see an infuriated Olivia and Luna. Before you find yourself outside in the chilling dark with only the creaking branches and crunching leaves as company.

Option 2: You open your eyes awhile later to realize that they had knocked you out, but with the lack of light are happy to hope that you haven't been out long. Then you hear creaking out in the kitchen before a light switches on.  You hear another voice and hope that it is Olivia and she will save you. You yourself would try to get out or yell, but your feet and hands are too constricted and your voice is too muffled by the door and cloth around your mouth. Realizing this you wait for rescue. As the steps distance themselves from you, you find that that will not be happening until two days later when your need to hold your bladder causes you to fall.... onto a stack of tomato sauce cans. With this horrendous noise, you are set free for your chance to empty your bladder and fill your gut to the exploding to point.

(Wooooo,  that was a bit interesting. I hope you liked it, and seriously let me know your option three! I want to hear them and I will try to make it worth your while! Let me know if you like this format. I'm thinking of basing a book like this. See you guys soon! Happy spooky season!)

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