Chapter 13

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Alese' POV

      Sitting up in bed I grabbed my phone looking at the date. The 26th of June, huh? And where is Tyler? That's right poof! Without a note or anything..... oh wait, nevermind. Picking up the note, I read it. Putting on a pair of jeans and my favorite shirt, going downstairs. Walking down them I noticed the flower petals leading to none other than..... Eugene? In his hand was another note hand it to me I read 'Meet me where we met first'. Why would he want me to meet him there of all places? Why school?
     Knowing I should just go along with his crazy antics, I get into my car and head back to life's mini hell. When I got out to say I felt underdressed was an understatement. There was Tyler all decked out in full suit tails and all. Then I noticed the food behind him. A full picnic in the student parking lot! What is this amazing man I married?!

     As Tyler motioned me to the blanket I sat. While I was I wondered.

      "Hey, Tyler?" Now was the time as any to get an answer.


   "Who helped you with this?" I know it sounds mean, but after knowing him for 20 years I've picked up on a few things. One being he could not do anything like this alone. One time when we were younger he tried making pancakes. Let's just say I still have the fire department on speed dial. I laugh at the memory.
     Tyler looks at me confused before saying, "Are you OK?"

    "Oh....yeah. Just remembered something. But you didn't answer my question."
     "Ye of little faith I did this all by myself." Which earned him an 'are-you-kidding-me' look. Scared he finally answered. "Uggh. Fine, Eugene helped me.... and Olivia."
    Now that makes more sense. Leaning over, I kissed him, "That's for not forgetting." Then I slapped the back of his head. Whispering into his ear, "And that was for lying."
     With him confused and me hungry, I sat down, but before I was able to do that Tyler's eyes fogged up. Knowing it was just a mind link I didn't worry much until he started smiling like a maniac. Before I could ask what was going on he answered.
    "Brianna just found her mate..............."

As we gathered our things I kept wondering who my dear daughters' true love was. Was he part of our pack, or was he visiting? Then I thought something that made me stop in my tracks. What if it was a rival pack member, that could be dangerous for everyone especially if it was aggressive. No. I won't think like that, this is a happy moment for Bri, I refuse. As we walk into the house I saw the smile on my little Bri's face and knew this was it. This boy whoever, he was, is it.

But of course, then, my wonderful husband decides to be an idiot, "So Bri, who's your new friend?"

"Tyler!", I said, "really, are you asking to get smacked?"

"What'd I do?'', He says looking completely perplexed.

"Let Bri tell us what she wants don't go digging. It's her life."

"I wasn't digging, I was just asking."


Author speaking***

I don't know about you, but I think now would be a good time for Grape to make a showing.

Grape: I couldn't agree more!

Me: See, I speak and the devil appears. :/

Grape: Awwww, she knows me so well. '_'

Me: Shhhhhhh!!!!! They aren't supposed to know!

Grape: Know what?... Oh, your gender got it. Well, at least I didn't tell them your age, like how your-

Me: If you value your life you will shut up.

Grape: You don't have that power.....right?

Me: Oh, I do I'm in control of all the lives right here. In other words- I AM GOD!!

Grape: *Squishes against wall* RUN!!

Me: Naw, I wouldn't do that to you guys.... maybe

Grape: Bye!!! *runs away screaming*

Me: I'm not that bad.....

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