Chapter 22

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I punched the last of the sand out of the bag with so much frustrating force that it smashed into the wall as Eugene walked in.  The look on his face showed that he knew something was wrong and he wasn't about to hide it.

      "You do know I can feel at least some of what your feeling, right? That's what mates do. We basically recycle our feelings onto one another. If you want to you can feel what I do and vise versa. Once we mark each other and... mate, our awareness of our feeling knowledge will amplify."

    OK well, that's interesting...

'Yeah, I thought so too!' Grape butts in surprisingly, making me physically jump. Which in turn caused Eugene to go into protecting mode, ready to beat up anyone who gets too close.

"Relax, it was just Grape being a turd," I informed him placing a hand on his tense shoulder and saw him visibly relax under my touch.

"She needs to stop that, one day I'll go into overdrive and it won't be funny afterward. It could be bad." Eugene says with a scary serious look on his face.

'Sorry, I didn't mean to scare anyone...' Grape whispers, as to not scare us. 

'Oh hun.. it's ok.'


"I wish I could stay,  but I'll see you at lunch. OK?" Eugene says before giving me a quick peck on the way out. But he didn't even make it out before a knock resounded on the front door.  I would never expect who was on the other side....

Winter, my childhood friend was just standing there at the door. The only female friend I had actually had, and I didn't believe it. That is until she actually spoke.

"Bish,  don't look at me like that! Give this sista a hug!  Bring it in,  come 'ere! " My limp noodle arms finally became functional and I charged for a hug full force. 

After getting the feeling back in my arms and saying goodbye to Eugene I plopped down on the squishy couch for a heart to heart with my dear friend Winter. As she looked around and took in her surroundings, she spoke.

" It took you long enough to find your mate, man. Jeez, I thought I'd have to wait another decade before that happened. Thank goddess though, I was getting bored. My wolf was always bouncing around in my head.

I swear for like a month all I could hear was her saying ' Has she found her mate? Has she? Has she? Has she? ' It sounded like kids on long car rides or those seagulls from Nemo all 'Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.', It's insane. Anywho, how ya been? "

I stare at her again in almost shock, she was never this hyper. What happened!?

"Good." I heard myself reply, marveling at how much my dear friend had changed. It shocked me. When we were younger she was shy and reserved, and now she's.... not.

"So what do you guys do around here anyway?", She asks looking around.

I scrunch up my nose, thinking. "Well, we could go for a walk?" I suggest.

She contemplates it before pushing herself off the couch, leaving her bags lying at the foot of it. " OK, let's go! "

"Wait, don't you want to put your bag in a room?" I say, gesturing towards the satchel and suitcase by the couch.

She just laughs, "It'll be here when we get back. Unless the Newtons 1st law of motion has changed, I think it'll be fine. Now, come on!" she exclaimed exasperated before pushing me out of the door and into the great outdoors.

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