Chapter 12

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 "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference" - Elie Wiesel.

Olivia's POV

  Waking up I dressed in some comfy sweats and a tank top. Walking downstairs I grabbed my cup,  putting some water in it to drink I walk to the breakfast bar. Snatching a banana and walking to the training field seeing the trainees stretching out for practice. Today they were letting me train these guys because I was starting to get bored. I was still at Alpha Commanders Base, but I had grown restless not doing anything. In the end, the current trainer agreed to a few days off so that I could have some fun and train these recruits here.

    "There are other things to do besides train you know." Grape piped in.

    "I know but this is one of the few things I enjoy. Now shush so I can start."

     "Ok ok, I'm gone. Jeez."

  Walking to the front of the Stage One fighters I could see them doing what they probably thought was practicing. This is going to take a while.

     "Ok everyone line up," and they did so... while fiddling around. "Now choose a partner." At that, they just walked back to where they were before... with the same person. Oh God, help them. Please. 

    "Ok, first lesson. Get into a defensive position. NOW!", The rest of the time went by like this. Me telling them to do something and having them take forever to do so. Can't they listen to a simple thing? I had finally had enough of them so I just told them to pack up and go home. Dragging my cranky butt into the house I dropped onto the couch.

  "Long day huh?"  I jump at Eugene's words

   "Umm... yeah you could say that." Why did I say that, ugggg... I'm an idiot.

     "I'm your mate, you can tell me if anything is going on. Just tell me, you seem stressed about something. Right?" He is too cute... Wait? What! No! Bad brain! But I have to have some way to blow off steam. Maybe that's what I can ask!

     "Maybe later, with the 'what's bothering me' crap. Do you know of anything I can do? It's been a long day." Oh, this was stupid to ask... Stupid stupid stu-

    "Well, we could take a run... If you want to?" And that made me smile.

     "I'd love to! When are we going?" I said standing.



Jogging outside with Eugene just behind me was one of the best things in the world. The wind in my hair. The grass under my feet, so soft! When we made it to the forest path Eugene did something I thought he wouldn't do, he shifted. Just right there, right in front of me. One minute he's all human and the next. BOOM, wolf. I didn't expect that when he said 'let's go for a run' he meant like that. Eh.... wait what can I do?

"You can shift..." That didn't sound like Grape.

"It's not." That was. Then who is it? This directed to Grape.

"It Is I... Eugene." Really Dude.

"Yeah! Really Dude!" He can't hear you, Grape.

"Yeah, I can Olivia..." Eugene! Get out of my mind!

"I will when you shift"

"Fine!" Shifting for the second time was not as pleasant as the first time but more bearable and a little more relaxing with my mate by me.

"Awww, you do love me!" Shut up.

I was about to smack his wolfy face when I realized I was in wolf form. Well crap... 

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