Chapter 15

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"And you, my lady, are going to help me. trust me it's going to take a long time to make her presentable..."

"You realize that I am right here Sam?" I asked slightly annoyed. " And I can dress perfectly fine thank you."

Sam only looked at me and laughed. " Hon, we understand that, but there's a difference between dressing yourself and *dressing* yourself."

"And honey, you need help," Brianna interjects.

Now let's get started...."


Later in her shared room....

"OK, so you're telling me that the history of it all started back in the 18th century basically, what happened after that - Ow! OK maybe later." I say while being poked with pins and needles.

" I think it would be smarter to continue this conversation after we're done fixing your dress since silly you decided to step back onto you're dress, fall and cause a rip in the side," Sam says sarcastically.

"Honey, we would keep talking about this, but you keep wiggling. I don't want to hurt you any more than I already have. So just shush for now. MK?"

I grumbled, agreeing to their sense of it all. It does make me shut up about it all anyway...

After they're done fixing the dress I step down expecting to plop my feet into my shoes, but - of course- both Sam and Brianna got this huge smile on their faces.

"Time for makeup!" Sam exclaims happily. I nearly groaned out loud.

Will the torture ever end?!

Eugene's POV

I've been waiting outside for what seems like hours. I finally hear movement inside of my room which hopefully means that everyone is done. I'd already taken my hour to get dressed and had been waiting out here since.

After the door opened though, I could definitely say it was worth the wait. When Olivia walked out it was like all my breath left my lungs, she was gorgeous. Of course, I had to play it cool.

"You cleaned up nice." I say with a small smile on my face. "for a girl that is."

"You too," she replies; returning my smile. " for a guy."

I knew it was worth the wait...

Olivia's POV

After the makeup torture, Sam showed me to a mirror, and I have to say; I look good for all the pain I was put through. Brianna giving me the go I grabbed my shoes and shoved them on again, along with my bowtie and started walking out the door when Sam basically yelled for me to stop. I turned around about to ask what he wanted now, not expecting him to be right behind me. Being the person I am I almost punched him, but then he caught me off guard...... again when he quickly tweaked my bow into a straighter position before pushing me out the door to await yet another person. Who bother way looks surprisingly good for all that he is.

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