Chapter 14 part 2

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Olivia's POV

Tiptoeing down the stairs as to not wake anyone I go and wait at the bottom for Eugene to hurry his butt up. When he got down, he smiled and told me to turn around and me not wanting to argue, did.

Once I did though I did not expect what I did see....


Sam was standing there with the biggest, goofiest smile I have ever seen on his face. I couldn't help but smile back.

"What are you doing here?", I ask " I mean I'm happy you're here and all, but.. the heck?!" I nearly laugh and hug Sam, but pull away when I hear Eugene growl. With that, I respond with a punch in the stomach and me questioning how he got a hold of Sam without his number.

"I may have heard your phone go off with a text from him when you were in the shower last night and got a little overprotective of you. So I got his number from your phone and started interrogating him," he said looking slightly ashamed.

"And I have to admit he kinda scared me, but that's not really why I'm here."

"OK, then why are you here?" I prod.

"To help you", he says pointing at my chest. " get dressed."

Eugene's POV...

"I think, if you haven't noticed I can dress myself and I don't need your help for it.", Olivia says looking slightly confused. "And besides it's like 5 o'clock in the morning and no one is getting dressed."

"I know that..." Sam says, " I came a little earlier than expected, but that doesn't mean we can't start now!"

"Start? Start what? why do we need to get dressed?!" she said almost hysteric.

"Hey, what's with all the yelling?" Brianna basically yawns, then stops. " And who's that?"

"Bri, this is Sam, " I say interjecting.

" I bid you ado." Sam says bowing, "I am here to help Olivia with getting ready for the ball!"

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