Chapter 25

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2 hours later

I bound into Eugene's office, infuriated.
His head fly's up at the door slamming, looking at me worriedly.
"We have to find her!" I yell, pacing. "She has my parents, she might hurt them, if she hasn't already. They're still alive! They're still... " at that moment, Eugene grabs me and pulls me into a bear hug while I cry frustrated, angry, and sad tears.

  I pull away and look into my mates eyes, "We have to find them. They're my family, my past, my present and I hope our future. I want them there to see their grandchildren grow and... And I want them home. We have to find her."
I whimper up at Eugene.

  He then smiles and looks at me with so much love. "We will find them, it may take time, but we will. I swear we will do our best, but right now we need to focus on our pack. It went through a lot of damage. No one was hurt thank goodness, but I need to start on paperwork and getting supplies so we can start fixing things again. As soon as that is out of the way, for the most part, we'll start looking. We already have a bunch of information. That means we won't be going in blind, but that doesn't mean we're going in with all-out weapons either. Let's go see what we can do to help outside, alright? " Eugene says, making a lot more sense than what was going through my head.

  I nod understanding and follow him outside to help with cleaning up. As soon as we are done, watch out Angel. Cause imma coming and when I'm done with you it won't be pretty.

Throughout the next few weeks, I drudged through the same routine. Wakeup, eat, train, clean up the aftermath of that day, research, eat, sleep; and not always in that order. As time wore on I became once again the fit and well trained military personnel, not the bubbly, happy girl I was before. Of course, I still smiled and laughed, but even those few times seemed tense and fake.

Before long Eugene started to become the worried papa bear, asking if I was OK and making sure that I had the necessary things to survive. I guess I had become what you say would be a bit of a hardass.

Then the plan all started to come into motion yesterday, finally, all of the work on the pack was finished just in time too. My research had just hit a breaking point, I had found something, not just something - someone, the someone. I had found Angel, and I was not going to let her go until I found my parents.

We had started to put the gear together when Sam walks in with a big smile on his face. "Stop what your doing, we don't need to. Their here. All three of them." he exclaims before motioning for us to follow.

Sam led us into the conference room where we saw her with her feet up on the desk. It was only her in the room.

"Where are my parents!" I yell before turning to Sam. " I thought you said that they would be here!"

"Relax, your highness. There downstairs being checked in the medical ward. Something about protocol, blah, blah, blah." this coming from Angel.

My flags raised in my head. "Why are you letting them go so easily? Aren't you their kidnapper?" I say, giving her a quizzical look.

"I didn't kidnap them, I saved them. Without me, your father would definitely be dead and your mother... well I'd prefer not to say."

"If you saved them, then why didn't they come home? Why am I just hearing them being back now, why not sooner? "

"You see, Olivia my people had to bring your father back from the brink of death and your mother had some...issues that had to be sorted through and helped before we could even think about bringing them back. Now they should have a perfect bill of health, for the most part. For this I only want one thing in return. " she says putting her feet down and looking me straight in the eye.

"I want to be your teacher. "

Finally getting to the good stuff, but that also means it's getting to the end...😫😫😭😭😭😭😭

So QOTD-What's your favorite part of this book? What brought you to Wattpad?  What season are you in?

QOTC- Were all mad here. -Cheshire
It doesn't matter, because, without love, we can't be human. - excerpt from voices, by hershee18
Being bored can be fun.-me

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