Chapter 3

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I get dressed in a pair of white ripped jeans, a  t-shirt with my white and gold Adidas. I then decided to just go train like this. Getting to the training grounds the newest recruits eyeballing me probably wondering why a girl is here. Well, this should be fun.

Just to mess with the idiots I decided to test their brain function."Who wants to fight me.", I said perfectly well knowing what they would do and I was right. They all laughed, that is the newbies did the other ones just looked scared. Taking knowledge of the situation they quieted down.

    "Now I will ask again! Who wants to fight me." I said enunciating every word.

    Finally, a poor soul decided to step up. He got into a fighting position. I laughed just standing where I was waiting for him to take the first move, knowing full well he would. As he punched out to sideswipe, I twisted it behind his back kicked his knee out making him fall.

   "Not so snarky now are we?", I whispered in his ear. He whimpered, I shook my head- sissy. "Now everyone 20 laps around the base, you have an hour... starting NOW!" This commenced for the remainder of the day- minus the part where I had to help bring someone to the infirmary. I told them to box not break each other. After that was done I told everyone to hit the showers, they smelt like wet dog. Seeing that done I went home and went to bed. Finally, I could sleep ahhh, the z's are calling my name.


Waking up is one of the most torturous things about the day, let me rephrase that - usually it's the most torturous but not today. Today is Sunday, the day we all have off to do what we need to do whatever we need to do. In this case shopping.

Walking in I hear a squeal. I swear sams more of a girl than I am, and he's a guy!

"Are you ready to get this shopping spree started!", Sam bounced. I called him up and when he heard this he sounded like a girl, gushing about how he was going to make me so pretty Bla bla bla. I tuned him after that... so yeah.

"Umm, no I'm just getting this dress, some more gear and that's it. Jeez, if I didn't know any better I'd think you were gay.", he rolled his eyes.

"And who says I'm not?", he smirked. The nerve of this guy.

Walking into the dress shop sam grabbed about a dozen dresses not even caring about the price. Shoving them in my face he pushed me towards the dressing rooms. Picking up a random dress I put it on. It was too tight so I put it away this went on for another couple of dresses. Him freaking out because they're so pretty and me about suffocating from them.

That was until this one was nice, comfortable of course. Add to that it's black, I smiled liking the dress and walking out.

"Oh my God! You look like a queen!", as he continued bickering with my dress he told me to take it off.

"Woah, dude! You may be my friend but I will not-".

"That's not what I meant, I meant to go to the dressing room and get your clothes back on we're buying this thing"

"This is one of the only dresses I'll ever wear. Got that?", he only nodded in return and just to mess with my dad I grabbed a bow tie, some converse and we were off............ to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz!

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