Chapter 26

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"Teach me?! I've already been through school thank you! I don't want to do that again. "

"That's not what I want to teach you, remember Christmas? " she says with an all too serious face.

I look at her in shock. 'How could she know that?!"I frantically express to Grape.

'She's a demon, they know things about people that even the person doesn't know.'

  Well crap. "You want to teach me to float? What's so big about that," she smirks again.

   "Oh child, you can do so much more than you think. You have so much more power, and that is why I want to teach you."

"Fine. I'll do it, but first I need to see my parents."

"Oh and before you leave Olivia." Angel expresses when I have one foot out the door.

"What now." I nearly growled out.

"Training starts at O seven hundred tomorrow on the dot and I better see you there. Got it?" I do a mock salute at her before finally heading out the door and towards the infirmary.



When I step into the infirmary two faces light up that I thought I'd never see again. "Dad! Mom!" I smile before making my way towards them.

They both give me a small smile before wrapping their arms around me in a group hug. Then Eugene walks in. "Wow, thanks for not saving me any. Aren't I part of the family now?" he says, laughing.

My mom, looking surprised, glances between my father and me; as if for confirmation. "You knew and you didn't tell me? Charles! You had the time and you didn't say anything. I feel the love." she says, trying to look serious but couldn't hold up the facade. "So, may I know my future son-in-law's name?" she faced towards Eugene.

My mate put on his alpha face and answered, "My name is Eugene White, mam. I believe you know my mother."

My mother's face went from happy to glowing within a span of two seconds. The smirk is evident on her face. "Do I need to say it, Charles? Cause I really want to say it." my dad only smiled and gave her a defeated nod.

"I. Told. You. So."


Now we know where Olivia gets her sass from, Huh?
Now without further adieu. Grape!

G: Hey my chili peppers! How's it going, did you expect it to get this weird? No? Good cause it's about to get even weirder! I can't wait! Hopefully, we can get it all in for the last four chapters...

E: Yes, only four more chapters and the epilogue, but I am going to do a sort-of pre-military mate book, well keep writing on it I guess. It'll give more insight into the parents and such. It is called 'The Animal of the forgotten World'. If anyone was here when I first started writing, before Military Mate, you might just know what I'm talking about. The previous version I stupidly deleted, but the one I will write hopefully will be close to the original. If I miss any really important details let me know.

G: OK. OK. Anyway, my mom will be there, along with Olivia's and some others. It's gonna get interesting! Yay! But until then. Read on my fair readers!

E: Grape.

G: yus?

E: They're my readers.

G: No, their our readers.

E: Fine! Dork!

G & E: And on with the book!

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