Chapter 20

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Olivia's POV

As we entered the small house I am hit with so many memories. None of these memories, however; give me an idea of how we came upon this place.

 When I ask Eugene, he tells me we just stumbled upon it. "Literally, we were playing tag, one of our more common games to play also one of my favorites, and we just found it. We showed our parents, sorry." He winced when I got a little smaller and came to give me a hug. "When they gave us the go-to go in we explored, played pirates, you know, that kind of thing." "I remember that but what I don't remember is two things." 

"And that being?"

 "One, it looking this nice and two, what it was before." 

"Well, for the first question, I updated it as I got older. When you left I didn't leave this behind. If you can believe it, this place used to be full of heavy metal posters." 

I laugh, " Your kidding?!" I look at his face, and he's not kidding.

 "Nope! And on to lucky question number two! This property has been passed down from generation to generation in this family for as long as anyone can remember, since before slavery. This used to be a slave healer's house, and before you say anything, no we were not told this. I just happen to be a history nut. Don't judge me!" he's nuts alright. "Well anyway, let's go to our room. I decorated myself."

 "Well, I'm sure I'll like- Wow..." I sigh, the breath knocked out of me. All around me we were in outer space. Oh, and look! There's the Death Star! I love Star Wars! "Hey, have you ever watched Spaceballs? It's like a joke movie for Star Wars, it's really... interesting. It makes me laugh every time I watch it."

 "No, but it looks like we found a movie for tonight." 

 All around me we were in outer space, Darth Vaders Death Star was even there up in the corner, for only geeks to see. I almost cried again when I saw the punching bag in the corner. "Are you sure you didn't know who I was before I got here, because I swear you had this lined up just the way I would have it. I am so glad I brought that hoodie." I reach for my bag to grab it. 

 'Hold it right there love birds! I'm back and I'm not leaving ever again.' Grape pipped in like the warden she is. 

"We weren't doing anything, where were you? That's the real question!"

 'I was off taking care of personal business...' A picture popped into my head.

 "Business that involved drinking? No, I don't think so. We may be having a sucky day, but that doesn't give you a reason to drink. You, my friend; are as of now. On head arrest..."

 "She's just doing the best she can in a bad situation, worse has been done. You do know that your dad's wolf was her dad, right?"

 I plop down, squish my face to my hands, and run them through my hair. How can I be such an idiot? "You're not an idiot, you just were dealing with it differently than Grape. That and you're not legal for it yet..."

 "Oh, and you are what 17 years of age? What, do you think you're above everyone because you are going to be the next alpha? Well, you better think again because that is not happening." I just shake my head at him.

 " I don't think that I'm above anyone. I'm just trying to help. So please, let me help." his eyes softened as he held out his arms for a hug. But today he was sadly mistaken. "OK... I don't know what is going on, but you have been all emotion switchy all week. Even before you," he pauses. "You know..."

 "I'm probably coming up on my time of the month. You know, Flo from progressive... The bloody bomb? Uggg! My period, you fart ball!!" The light finally clicked, but for good measure, I picked the dictionary off the shelf and whacked it over his head.

 "Owwww! OK, ok... To get your mind off things then, how about the grand tour?" I was about to reject his offer when I realized that I didn't know where the bathroom was, so I reluctantly agreed. I wasn't about to pee in the yard, I may be stubborn, but not stupid.

"And this is the bathroom... Oh! I almost forgot! The coolest room in the house...."

I hold up my hand. "You can show me that another time, but I need to use that porcelain throne, and besides, if it was so important you would have done it first. Or at least showed me the bathroom first."

"Well, you know what they say, 'Save the best till last!' and the bathroom is pretty awesome don't you think?"

"What I think," I shove him to the side. "is that you better move or you're going to be in a body bag." I look up and smile. "Your choice." I look back on my way to the bathroom and see his horrified face, all I can do is laugh. By the time I wash my hands and walk back out, I'm in a much better mood. "So, what's this 'awesome room'?"

l walk into one of my worst nightmares. A big body of water in the middle of the room. Water everywhere, so many ways to hurt yourself.

Cracking your skull open on the tile, slipping from a floaty and drowning, the list goes on. 'Wait, your meaning to tell me that you're scared of water?'

"No you dipstick, I'm scared of the possibility of dying via water. There's a big difference Grape. Now, will you please stop talking? I want to get some sleep tonight." I start backing out of the room before Eugene stops me.

"Hey, the fun's just starting. We haven't even got to the best part." He holds up a swimsuit. "I borrowed it from my sister, I think it's your size... Are you ok?" he asks with his ever-changing facial expressions.

"I'm fine. It must have been something I ate. I shouldn't swim right now. It could cause me to have a hernia or something."


'Grape! Shut it!'

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