Chapter 27

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Training grounds next morning

"First things first. We need to see what abilities you do have. Let's see you shift." She says looking at me.

  I smirk as I shift into my wolf. "Better?" I mind link her.

  She looks at me, almost disappointed, "No, it's not. Shift into something else." I gape.

   "I think you already know, but I'm a werewolf. This is the only thing I can shift into." I feel more presence in the back of my mind, almost someone waking from a slumber.

  "Are you sure? Try imagining your self as... Oh, a husky. Let's start out easy." I shake my wolf head and shift back to my human form before imagining a husky.

   The blue eyes, beautifully colored fur and before long my range of sight seems to get lower and lower. Curious, I walk over to the stream to see what happened and low and behold, I'm a husky.  

'Not just any husky' Grape remarks.  

   'What do you mean?' I ask. She doesn't answer.

I shift back and walk back over to Angel, who has a look of complete amusement on her face. "Not so Wolfy now, are we?"

  "What else can I shift to?" I prod since she seems to know me so well.

  "Beats me, try something?" and I do.

  I imagine my self as something from the age of knights. Scales growing, wings extending, snout forming, tail wagging. I grow and grow until I become a full-fledged dragon. That's when my mate decided to see how my training was going and at the same time, drawing his gun. I chuckle, but it comes out as a snort of smoke. This only puts Eugene into a higher form of security. That was of course before I spoke in his head.

'Hey, handsome. How's it going' I giggle, while I note the gun is still drawn.

He looks around in a panic. 'Where are you! Are you OK?!' I roll my big dragon eyes before answering.

'I will be OK once you lower your gun away from my heart. Dork.' At this, he looks shell shocked and lowers his gun before looking up at me.

'But... How?'

'Well, you see. Give me a second.' I link before shrinking back down.

"Honestly, I have no idea what exactly is going on either. But... " I turn towards Angel. "It'd be great for you to explain."

  She laughs in spite of herself. "The answer is quite simple really, your the next Moon Goddess."

"I'm going to ask you this once and only once. Are you high?" She laughs.

"I am relatively certain that no I'm not high and yes, you are the Moon Goddess. There's only a slight margin of error in my hypothesis. Which is about to be terminated." And she pushes me like just shove and I wait for the jarring ground hit, but it never comes. I do hit the ground though, well more like the ground cushions me. I open my eyes and look down to see the earth has risen to form my fallen body. The grass has grown tenfold to become a sort of pillow for my body.

"Just as I thought. You subconsciously asked the earth for help and it answered. I wonder... " she walks around and helps me off of my earth chair, which proceeds to go back to its original position. "Fire! We need to try fire next," she says, on a roll.

And that's how the rest of my day ended up going. Her thinking of something that I might be able to do and me doing it. Anything ranging from shifting to a tiny bunny to moving entire stacks of wood and then burning them with a snap of my fingers. "And now the final thing you need to learn. Levitation." I look at her weirdly.

"Hadn't I already learned that during Christmas?" she shakes her head.

"You may have done that during Christmas, but you have not learned that yet."

"Then teach me." and teach me she did. By the end of the day, I learned how to do a lot of what I needed.

"Tomorrow, meet me here. Same time and everything. We need to go over your duties and such."

I nod and trudge into my room, exhaustion catching up with me.


I'm on a roll! Just for future reference, she has-been at the pack for two years. Crazy, but stick with me here.


Well... That escalated quickly. How's it going my monkeys! It's getting funky and fun. As far as I know that basically the last big thing, except one... Muahaha!

G: just for further explanation, I am going to shapeshift and stuff with Oli, Ms. Author here thought there'd be too much clutter if more people were added.

E: I may add one or two more people, but it will be necessary. I didn't think it was to add like 5000 more mental people in Olivia's head, she might go nuts. So there's my explanation.

G: Finnnneeee! Anywho, time is ticking E, the years almost up and those other chapters still aren't done!  C'mon man, give me more screen time!

E: Even after this is up and over I'm planning on making mini spin-offs.  Little mini-stories inside of this one. Trust me, it won't be super often, but it will hopefully keep this book in your library.

Note I'll also be editing this very slowly after I'm done too.  Be warned!

OK, chiwa people I'm happy to say. Bye Beanballs!

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