Chapter 11

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    We also happen to be Eugene's parents.

     Olivia pov

       "Excuse me, what?! " I jump, which somehow results in Eugene getting his head whacked by me...

      "Your more calm than I thought you would be." this coming from idiot Eugene.

   "You see, I have years of practice at hiding my emotions." Sarcasm dripping from my mouth like poison.

      "Ok, where do I start?" Eugene asked trying to answer my questions, I guess.

   "The beginning." Of course.

"OK, well when you and I were born. Me being the older one by a few years decided to take you under my wing-" Eugene started but not before he was corrected by his mother.

"She was assigned to you because we were hoping you would bond, you dipstick. That way if you were mates you would already know each other, and even if you weren't, and if your mate broke your heart... Well, Eugene here would break them. But, it seems your mother's hopes were true. You see before either of you were born or before we even met our mates we were best friends and luck have it so was our mates but your mom always hoped that one of our children would be the others mate. She told me that constantly. She loved you desperately, you know. She was taken from us too early." she replied, stopping to dab her eyes when she thought no one was looking.

"We were playing and rouges, whatever those are, came and attacked. Mom got us inside but stayed outside telling us to hide in the closet and not come out unless she or dad came. Later when dad came I asked where mom was and he told me. Me being young didn't understand until a few years ago." I remember how we were at the graveyard. I was 

Ten, dad was crying. I didn't like it when he cried so I asked him why he was sad. He answered telling me mom was not alive anymore and he was sad because of it. Me at that age finally knowing what being dead was made me sad, so like any rational person, I started to cry. Dad seeing me do that he said something I'll never forget, 'Mom may not be alive fiscally but that doesn't mean that she's can't be alive in you.'

"...lo...he...ll...h..o" the heck is that? Oh. Crap! I spaced out. Coming back into the conversation everyone looked worried.

"Sorry guys, as you were saying...." well that was smooth.

"Anyways, how did you know about that you were like five when it happened. " And with that Eugene got the smack of the century in the back of his head by his mom.

"She was seven you gumball and you were ten if I remember correctly. So shut up asshat!"

Rubbing the back of his head he mumbled the stupidest thing a male I think has ever said. "I think I liked the first insult better.." causing another smack but this one by me. "That's it! I'm out!" as he started walking out he added one last thing as if it was an afterthought. "I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." causing me to roll my eyes.

"Anyway, I think that's my cue to leave.", Wow, I forgot the Alpha was in here. Giving his wife and mate a kiss on the cheek he left to who knows where.

"He's not usually this quiet, just to let you know. I don't know what got into him. But I hope he's done with it soon, our anniversary is in a week. He forgot last year so I hope he doesn't do the same this year."

"You can only hope. Anyway since your son didn't finish could you help me know what in the world is going on?"

"Of course. So after your mother... passed away, your dad decided to be transferred to one of our different segments in the pack. This one happened to be a military barracks that trained our warriors in human form and so your dad found no reason to tell you. So he shifted at night when you were asleep and you know the rest."

"Yes, thank you."

"I've been wondering. Where did you get that cup? I don't remember ever seeing it in the cabinet." I smiled at Alese's question, remembering.

"It was my birthday last year and my dad knew I had this undying urge to go see the Northern lights. So instead of bringing me, he gave me this, promising that even if he couldn't bring me. That someday I would see them before I die. I think I've treasured this more than anything else I have. So I had to bring it with me. Anywho, I think I'm going to go to bed." giving her a hug I drank the last of my hot cocoa washed it dried it and put it in the cupboard. I went to bed that night with a smile on my face.

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