Chapter 28

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     A few months later

I've been training and learning for the past few months what Angel thinks will be important. I've also gotten closer to my parents again, along with being busy with... Other things.

  Currently, Winter is holding my hair back as I lose my breakfast in the bathroom. Eugene was freaking out, so Zuzu told him to go get the pack doctor. Zeno went with him.  He can't stand the sound.

So, here I am and on my birthday none the less. Eighteen, it's been two years since I came here. I've gone back to base and given Jo my position. Dad retired, so there's another person there. I've moved in the rest of my things into our room and he decided it'd be a good idea to propose. The goof.

  As the time comes closer for me to take my position as Moon Goddess, I get this strange mix of nerves and self-assurance. Evidently, the current one is basically retiring and chose me out if all the people to be the next Moon Goddess. At first, it was flattering but I've come to grow jaded of the whole matter. 

  Angel has made it her mission to make me the best future Moon Goddess, it's kind of funny. I've also gotten to know her better, and she's not the scary person eating, child torturing demon I thought she was. Shes actually pretty chill, and good with kids. Which is good considering what I think is going on.

When then test results came back, I was indeed pregnant. This had come to a very little of a shock, considering. We had known each other for two years and had never done it. So when we finally had it was not unexpected. But, it was unexpected that I had become pregnant before I was to take over as the Moon Goddess. No-one knew what was going to happen, whether I was going to stay on earth or not, that is until the day it was determined. Which is today.

I was asleep when a bright and blinding light woke me up. At first, I thought it was the sun coming in through the shades. So, I decided to do what anyone would do; I threw a shoe in the direction of the light. Instead of hearing a thunk, I hear an almost otherworldly laugh. It was so melodic I would have fallen back to sleep in normal circumstances, but this was anything except normal. There was a person in my room and it wasn't Eugene. I sprang out of bed as fast as my growing stomach could allow. Looking around for Eugene I couldn't find him. Instead, I saw the blinding light, which was slowly starting to dim, except around the face. That continued in a sort of godly, I guess you could call it, lighting.

"Don't be afraid Olivia. I will not hurt you, what use is there in hurting my protegee," she says in a melodic voice.

"Moon Goddess? Is it time already? Do I have to leave now?" I panic.

"I am no longer the Moon Goddess, you are, you may call me Rebbecca. And, no you do not have to leave. Not until you need to. As of right now, you are Moon Goddess, but the question is. Do you accept it?"

This moment had been practiced in her mind multiple times and she had the same answer each time. "Yes, I accept becoming the Moon Goddess." with those few words I had come into a new surrounding. The ground around us had become one of the clouds and the walls became the blue sky, my pajamas, however, became an off white dress, ugh, why a dress? It's like people like to torture me via clothing. First my dad and now the Mo- Rebbecca.

In front of me now was not only Rebbecca but a group of other people. A few I actually recognize, including Eugene's mom; Alese and... Dad?
"This is my council; some of my closest family, friends, and peers. You will choose your own by the next full moon. I even have my mate up there." her light around her face had started to dim as she spoke. "You are now the Moon Goddess, do not take that lightly. I will be there to help you along in the beginning but do not count on it all the time. Your council needs to be people who you can trust, but also ones who will give you the truth. You will be able to live with your child and family, but do know that one day you will have to come and live up here fully. Until then coming up here periodically will make it easier to see what is going on and to help keep the peace and harmony. Do you understand?" I nod. "Good," she says before the last bit of light leaves her face, allowing me to see who it is.



Shocker! Didn't see that one coming, did ya?
If you could describe this book in one word, what would it be?

The epilogue is next, be prepared.

"I'm surrounded by idiots."
-the Lion King (Scar)

Has anyone read any Steven King books? I'm currently reading 'Under the Dome' and it's good, like really really really really really really really really really really good. 


Thy book is almost over. Waaaaaaaaaaaa. But it's a good thing. Right?

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