Chapter 6

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Olivia pov

Getting into that car had to be one of the most annoying things in the world! You know that the sound of a tarp being moved around. Good? Now times it by a million and you got the sound of the leather seat I was sitting in. I swear my hearing has been amplified since I got out of training. I'm going to get a headache. Now that I think about it my smell has increased too.

    What the heck is going on?


     Walking in the house we were greeted by a short brunette and what seemed to be her husband. I was about to introduce myself when a guy who I assumed was their son came down from the stairs. Then he decided to look up causing him to see me soon after sniffing the air... weird. The word he said next confused me to no end.


  "Huh? Why did you say that? As far as I know, the only term used for 'Mate' is Australian. And you don't look Aussie."

"Did you not tell her Charles?", The lady who I saw first said.

"What does she mean dad?" I asked.

"Well, you see Olivia-" before he could finish he was cut off by a scream... my scream. It felt as if my bones were rearranging and not in a nice way. I started remembering what to do when in pain, breathe in through the nose- wait what's that smell. It smells like an ocean breeze and cupcakes.

Before I was able to analyze any more I passed out from pain which strangely wasn't as bad anymore...

Eugene's pov (Olivia's mate)

Look over to stairs till now


Coming downstairs I smelt this amazing smell of chocolate and engine oil. Rushing downstairs I looked around and was set on the most gorgeous set of gray-blue eyes. I then sniffed the air, definitely her and of course, my wolf decided to say hi but in his lingo, it's "mate".

Of course, after he said that a whole round of questions started,

'Thanks, man.'

'No problem'

'I was being sarcastic.'

'So was I'

After getting done with my conversation and tuned back in I heard screaming, more importantly, my mates screaming. Then I realized, she was shifting. After a second her screaming calmed a little- probably smells me until she passed out from my guess, pain. Shortly after I picked up my mate's shifted form carrying her to my room. Of course not before explaining to my beta, her father, that she is my mate and I'm just taking care of her.

So now she is laying in my room on my bed while I wait for her to wake up. Now that she's down I'm curious about something. "Why didn't you tell her Charli (Charles)?" I asked her dad.

"You know how her mom died. I didn't want her to know and think it was her fault."

"But that doesn't mean you should have hidden it from her. Her mom saved both me and her." We were so young she was five and I eight. We used to be really close, but of course, she probably won't remember me. Her mom shoved both of us in the house while she was fighting rouges, if that isn't a hero I don't know what is. It may have been a small thing but if we were both outside we would have been dead. Just the thought of losing her made my heart hurt.

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