Part 32

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-Ty's POV~~

Well if I must say so myself, it's great to be able to talk again. I feel a bit taller though. Well, I was explaining to Y/n that Max was her uncle and she had the most confused and dumbfounded face I have ever seen. It made me want to laugh so bad, but I held back. "So, any of that make sense to you sweetie?" She blinked a few times, then took a breath. "Yes...I think so.." She looked o be thinking a little bit, looking at the ground slightly. Then I heard a small giggle. "Well that explains why you looked so worried and concerned when I wanted to make Maxwell pay..Haha.." I smile and put a hand on her shoulder. Y/n smiles and hugged me, I hug back and kiss her forehead. "Hehe we've got a lot of catching up to do, huh?" She nods and holds me tighter. "I love you, Dad." I hold her tighter, "I love you too, sweet pea." It feels so good to be able to hold my baby girl again. When we pull away I look up at the sky, "Seems to be getting late, we should start a fire soon." She nods and smiles. "Hehe, I'm on it, Dad!" I smile and give brief nod. "Alright." Y/n then starts walking over to Wilson, who was shaving for a homemade strait razor. 'Man, he's a talented guy.' I smile and think about him and my little girl. 'I think Willy will be a good man for my girl. He's saved her and I know she's saved him as well. They get along amazingly. I mean, no ones good enough for my baby girl, but Wilson. He's the closed to good we can get. I like the guy. He's very sweet to her. I approve.' I smile a bit and look up at them. The way they talk to each other and care for each other just warms my heart. 'I'm glad that she's happy. That their happy.' I look behind me and see Maxwell and Charly, sitting in a log together, softly talking to each other. 'I see something blooming with them too. Sure they may argue, but I see the tenderness between them.' I start to walk over to them. "Hey there, everything alright here?" I sit on the ground in front of them. Max turns to me with a smile. "We're alright. Just a bit tired from the ritual.." I nod my head. "I understand. Charly, how are you feeling? You were the last to wake up.." She gives me a sweet smile. "Hehehehe what are you worried about me?~" I chuckle. 'I can see her as my law.~' I smirk and raise an eyebrow. "I'm sure I'm not the only one that was worried." This caused Max to blush bright red. Charly's face became confused. "Huh? What do you-." She then looks at Max and sees that he has some red on him. She then smiles, "Oh.~ I see, Hehe." I smile and get up and start to walk away. "You two have fun now, but keep it PG, ok!" I tell behind me. This causes Charly to blush and Max to yell out something in protest. I laugh and keep walking. 'This is what I call family and if anyone try's to hurt us, they'll have to go through me. No one will hurt them! We are a tough crowd and proud!' I smile more and look are at the camp Wilson and Y/n have made. "They really are brilliant.." I say softly to myself. When Wilson and Y/n got back and made the fire, they had also checked all their traps and gardens. So now it's the late after noon and we're cooking dinner. We all were sitting on logs in front of the fire, cooking our meals together. Wilson and Y/n are sitting together, her head in his shoulder, there hands locked together with their fingers. Max and Charly are also on a log together, not as close together as Wilson and Y/n, but I could see every once in a while, Max would move closer to her. I was on a log myself, in between the two couples. Smiling to myself thinking about the past. The warms of the fire, heating is up. The smell of food cooking over an open fire. The night creeping up with the moon shining bright. It almost feels like.., "Camping.." I whisper to myself and let out a chuckle. Max looks over at me. "What's so funny?" I chuckle a little more. "It's just...this feels like a camping trip." Wilson and Y/n look over at me, then look at each other. "I guess, ya a little bit Dad." Y/n softly says and rests her head back on Wilson's shoulder, making him smile softly. "Ya, I can agree, but the only thing that's different is that for camping we don't have to normally fight for our lives. Other then that..Ya, this feels cozy." I nod softly. Looking back at the fire, I think about what I saw back as a Hound. Those little light shows and memories were incredibly detailed in those flames. I then find myself wondering if I'll see more of those. I shake my head a little and sigh softly. 'No I don't think so...I've got my memories back, I don't see why I would see more..' I rub my eyes with my free hand. Then I start thinking about home..I miss them too...'Don't worry...I will return and I'm bringing everyone with me. We will all go home and we I promise that...we...




A/n~ Heyyy everyone how'd it going? Did you like this chapter? I hope so! You all having a good day? Are ya? Haha, if you are that's great! If not, I hope that it gets better. Maybe this chapter will cheer you up. But, anyways I really hope you guys enjoyed this. As always I'll see you all in the next chapter, thank you all so much for reading! Bye! Wolfy Lovez you!!

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