Kiana and The Boys

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Hi all,

I hope you like this story! And stick with it!



(P.S. Don't really know how to write prologue's so you know, sorry)


Imagine having to leave you family and go and live with another family. Total strangers. People you have only ever met once in you entire life, when you were a baby. In a different country.

Well that's exactly what 17 year old Kiana has to do. Her house is Southern East England has been flooded, waist high in water. Her parents have gone to live with Kiana's only living grandparents, only there isn't enough room in there small house. So they are having to send Kiana to an old family friend, who she has only ever met once when she was a baby, in Spain. Kiana protests and protests, but her mother and father refuse to give in. They claim they only want what's best for her. But when she arrives she finds out something. Something her mother didn't mention. 5 boys!

Follow Kiana and her life into another world, away from friends, family and everything she new, to living with a brand new family of complete strangers!

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