Chapter 15

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~not edited~

I followed Max through the blue painted wooden door and down a corridor. Tears still pouring down my face. I didn't want to see myself in the mirror, I felt so bad for ruining Lucy's hard work on my make up.

Nothing was said as we ran up a tall, steep staircase. Max swung open and large metal fire door. I cautiously stepped outside to door. A cool breeze hit my tear stained face. We were outside. On the roof? I don't know. Max was stood at the other side of the roof, leaning over the railings.

I slowly walked over to Max, wiping my eyes, trying to dry my face up as much. I rested my arms on the rail and gently leaned over the edge. The humid air blew against my face. It was quite a warm night, however slightly windy. "I come up here when I need to... think"

"Are you okay?" Max spoke up, but still quiet, after while.

I breathed in sharply, before exhaling. "Yeah. Just a bit... shocked. It just got a bit out of hand?"

There was a pause, before he said something again. "What did you say? To Josh I mean?"

I paused before speaking, "I said - I told him not to be so mysterious." I bowed my head regretting everything that had happened. I knew I shouldn't have gone to this stupid dance.

Max's eye's widened. "Oh, Kiana! Josh is mysterious, and he has his reasons, like I said. I told you not to ask him about it-"

"-Yeah, I know-"

"-No you don't know Kiana!" He snapped. I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to fall out with Max as well. "What started it?" he asked, reverting back to his original tone.

"I told him, something personal about me and my past the other day. He found me crying, but I refused to tell him. I told him he wouldn't understand, because he's never been in love, and he said he would because there was once a girl, and that was it. He didn't tell me anything else. I was annoyed because I told him all about me and he wouldn't share his story with me," I paused, "I trusted him, but he didn't trust me. Then tonight, I asked him if he was going to tell me. He said no and I questioned. Then the row started, you know the rest."

Max took a moment to take it all in, then said, "Josh has these walls built up around him. High, thick walls. The girl, our whole family know about. People like Me, Nathan, Louis, Sam, Tom and Phoebe can walk easily through his walls, but it took a long, long time. Years in fact. Mum and dad still have trouble getting through to him." I stopped.

"Who is this girl?" I asked, regretting it instantly.

He flashed me a glare, before looking away. "Like I said before, you're not emotional or mentally prepared for that. Only, Josh had a girl. They'd been dating for over a year and a half, hell, he holds the record in this family. Then something happened and Josh lost everything he truly loved..." Max trailed off.

I didn't reply. I didn't want to press any further. I had just been given and new side to Josh I never knew.

"Anyways, he keeps himself to himself. Locks himself away, builds up walls, to block people out." I nodded. I knew exactly how that felt. I do it. He turned to me and looked me in the eye. "Exactly what you do,"

"Wh-what-" I stammered.

"I see it Kiana. I see what you do. You've got walls built up around you. You push away anyone who tries to get close to you." He stepped towards me closing the gap between us. The images of Nathan telling me a similar thing went through my mind. I barely trusted these boys.

"Does he really hate me?" I asked, desperate to change the subject.

"Who Josh? No. Don't take anything Josh says to heart. Once he cools down he'll go back to giving you the special treatment." Max chuckled.

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