Chapter 23

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~not edited~

This chapter is dedicated to 1directionforme. Your comment on the last chapter made my day!

Kiana's evening outfit on the side or above.

We have been in Miami for two days now and it been great! I'm sharing a room with Phoebe, Lexie (Dannie's bridesmaid, a relative of Alex (the groom) who is my age), Issy (Dannie's little sister) and a girl called Mia, who I didn't know was coming. She was a little older than us, 19, and was also the sister of Alex. We had girly chats, sun bathing by the pool, trips to the beach and tonight was a massive party for young adults (or teenagers). The official wedding is in three days.

I haven't seen the boys much since we got here; probably off finding girls. However, I couldn't seem to get Josh out of my mind. I couldn't have fallen for him could I?

I shook my head sitting up in the hammock in the beach. Phoebe, Issy and I had found these hammocks at the back if the beach in the first day when we went for a walk. "Are you looking forward to this party tonight?" I asked.

All the girls dragged themselves away from what was occupying them; magazines, phones etc. "Yeah it should be great!" Issy said.

Over the past two days, I've learnt that Issy is a massive party animal, a lot like the rest of her family. "Yeah, I can't wait. I finally get to pull a few of these hot guys!" Lexie exclaimed, with a glint in her eye. Lexie at first was a bit shy, but once she got to know us, she opened up and was wild! And Mia was just as bad if not worse. She loved to party and wore the skimpiest clothes, and become rather close with Nathan. I think they would be good for each other. She just as crazy as he is! But yet so down to earth.

"Yeah? Anyone you got your eye on?" Phoebe chuckled.

"Well..." Lexie began.

"Ooh! Come on!" Issy sat up, ready for some gossip.

"Well, I think Josh is a bit of a hottie!" She smirked.

I felt a pang of jealousy hit right through my stomach. Phoebe clocked my look. "Ewwwww! That's my cousin you're on about!" Issy cringed.

Phoebe, Mia and I just broke into laughter.

"So this is where you girls have been hanging?" I deep voice came from behind me.

"Hey Nathan." I said turning around. He wasn't alone. Josh, Max, Tom and Ryan (Phoebe's boyfriend) were with him.

Phoebe got up and snaked her arms around his neck and planted a peck on his lips. "What are you girls laughing about?" Josh asked.

We all shut up. Oh gosh! "Er, well... You see... Erm..." I stuttered.

"Don't be telling lies now Kiana." He challenged me.

I just shut up.

After half an hour of laughing and talking, Phoebe and Ryan had walked off on a romantic walk down the beach. Tom, Max and Nathan were talking to Issy, Mia and Lexie, Lexie clearly having her eye on Tom. And Josh and I sat at the other side of the hammocks chatting. The more we talked the more I fell for him.

Oh god! I'm falling for Josh! This is not good!

"You looking forward to the party tonight?" Josh asked.

"Yeah, I can't wait!" I grinned, swinging on the hammock.

~Josh's POV~

"Yeah, I can't wait!" She grinned, gently swaying the hammock back and forth.

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