Chapter 2

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~not edited~

I sat on the plane in my allocated seat, next to the window. It was raining and foggy and I could barely see anything out the window. A tall woman wearing black leggings, a dark blue hoodie and trainers sat in the seat next to me and plonked a - what looked like a - two year old child in the other seat.

Great I thought. And just when I thought I may have a quiet journey. I glanced away from the family and gazed out the window. As if the child read my mind, he started shrieking and the top of his lungs. The mother tried to calm him down, but he just screamed louder!

I reached into my bag and pulled out my phone and headphones and put them in, trying to block out the cries of the small child.


A few hours later, I jumped out of my skin as the large metal bird thudded to the ground and bumped along the runway. I must have nodded off. I pulled out my headphones and untangled them. How they had got tangled in the first place, I haven't a clue? I quickly shoved them into my bag as the plane came to a halt and the pilot removed the seatbelt sign. What sounded like one hundred buckles I clicked in unison.

I quickly scurried off the plane and as soon as I was out the heat and smell of Spain hit me! I slowly plodded down the large metal stair, with my bag bouncing against my back. I hopped onto the crammed shuttle bus and it sped off across the airport grounds.

We finally arrived at the airport and the shuttle bus door snapped open pouring the passengers out. I got out and walked to the luggage collection.

My cow-print cases eventually came round on the conveyer belt. I dragged them off and shoved them onto the trolly and walked through the automatic doors.

I scanned the room, which was full of small groups with welcome home banner and whiteboards with names on. I looked around, although I had no idea who I was looking for. Then I saw a small lady wearing a red and white flowery dress and a tall man wearing dark denim shorts and a pale blue tee waving in my direction and the man was holding a whiteboard reading 'Kiana Tait'. I jerked the trolly and pushed it over to them.

"Kiana Tait?" The woman asked. I nodded nervously. "Joanna Parker and this is my husband Mark," she continued, gesturing to her husband, holding her hand out.

"Nice to meet you," I replied politely and gently shook her hand. Mark nodded at me.

"You look exactly how your mother described you," Joanna said smiling. "How is she?"

"She good thank you." I responded quietly.

"And how ab-" she was cut off by Mark.

"How about we get in the car. Kiana has had an early flight, she must be tired." He said interrupting. I smiled gratefully. I didn't really want to be bombarded with questions straight away.

"Of course, you're right." She said. "Come on, let's get the car." I jerked the trolly and started to push it. "No, no. Let Mark take that." She said taking my trolly.

"Oh, erm, thank you," I stammered, unsure of what to say.

Joanna opened the black Mercedes Benz door for me and I climbed in and buckled my belt.

"So, Kiana, interesting name," Mark said. I frowned, confused whether that's a good thing or not. He must of noticed because he shortly said, "beautiful name, is what I mean." I smiled. I've always loved having a slightly quirky name.

"Thank you," I replied.

"How old are you Kiana? I think your mother told me, but I can't remember." Joanna asked.

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