Chapter 7

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~not edited~

The final bell sounded for the end of the first day. I shoved my belongings into my bag and left the room. The afternoon had gone pretty quickly, after lunchtimes... incident. I hadn't had any lessons with any of the boys and I had sat at the back for the rest of my lessons, out of the way. Lunchtime was the absolute, height of embarrassment. The looks I was getting of people were indescribable. And I thought I was going to have a quiet school year. Haha no. The word spread, that I was living with the Parker's spreader like a virus. By sixth lesson, the whole student body knew.

"Hey sweetheart," Josh came up to me as I left the room.

"What do you want now?" I questioned.

"Well, er it's time to go home and well, we kinda live together." He said as if he was speaking to a four year old.

"Whatever, let's go."

"Okay, come on babe," he said slipping his arm over my shoulder. I couldn't be bothered to shrug him off, so I just left it.

We pulled up outside the grand house and got out. I pulled out my key and slipped it into the lock and twisted it. I ran up to my room and and dumped my bag down before running into the bathroom and locking the door. Wow! I was desperate.

I walked to my bag and pulled out my maths textbook and notebook and dropped it on my desk. I also reach out my pencil case and got out a black ink pen. Right, maths. I thought to myself and let out a sigh.

I hadn't got too far into my maths before there was a knock at the door. Oh god. What did they want now. I went up to the door and opened it to come face to face with Sam.

"Erm, hey. Can I help you?" I asked.

"Oh erm, yes. Will you do this for me?" He said, handing me a piece of paper.

"Er what?" I said, reading it. It was a list of things I had to collect, from the boys.


"No Sam, go away. I've got homework," I stated, handing him back the list.

"I don't like you anymore," he said snatching the paper out of my hand.

I laughed and went to close the door, but a foot stopped in the door. I looked up to find Nathan stood there.

"What do you want?" I groaned. Why can't they just leave me alone.

"Have a good day a school?" He asked innocently.

"To a certain point," I replied sighing.

"Oh yeah. I heard about you incident with Josh," he said laughing.

"I'm so glad it amused you, now leave, I'm busy." I shut the door pushing him away.

I walked back to my desk and sat down. I stared blankly at the maths problems in front of be before, shaking myself and focusing on what was in front of me.


After two hours of studying I closed my books and packed them away. I steadily pushed the chair back and left my room. I plodded down the stairs and in to the kitchen and reach for an apple.


"Josh," I said with out properly acknowledging him.

"The boys and I are going outside for a kick about. You wanna join us? You can prove how good you really are." He laughed.

"Sure," I replied. I needed a break after studying and it's been a while since I played.

We walked out the back door and was joined by Max, Louis and Sam.

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