Chapter 18

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~not edited~

I sat alone in a single changing room, away from the rest of the team. I wasn't allowed to change with the boys, for obvious reasons. The blue kit of our school, fitted perfectly on me. I tied my football laces up and pulled my dark blue socks up above my shin pads. I flipped my head upside down, although I was feeling a bit queasy, and wrapped my hair neatly back into a hair ponytail.

I couldn't lie I was petrified. Not only was it my first match, but also I was the only girl on the team and there aren't any girls on this other team. I took a deep breath; I couldn't let this minor fact knock my confidence. I jumped up and gave my self a little shake.

I left my tiny changing room, after packing my things away, and knocked on the boys changing room's door. Shortly after, a tall boy with short black hair and large muscles came to the door. I think he was George. Ok I admit I was having trouble learning the names of all the guys on the team. I've only just been able to get around the five boys I'm living with names. I, on numerous occasions, called Nathan, Louis. He wasn't impressed. He would come back at me with 'Do I look like a fourteen year old?'

"Kiana!" George yelled, lifting me up at the waists and spinning me around.

"Woah! George." I replied, risking the name.

He put me down and looked me up and down. "You're looking very good in your new kit!" he grinned. I'd got the name right.

"Haha, thank you." I smiled back.

"Come in." George said, fully opening the door, allowing me to enter.

I entered the boys changing room. It stank of a mix of sweat and lynx spray. Lovely, I thought to myself sarcastically. Without even thinking about whether all the boys were changed I had walked in. to be fair, George never told me. Anyways, some of the boys weren't fully changed. Or rather they were, but they had chose to leave their shirts off. One of them of course being Josh. Someone really needs to bust his egotistic bubble. Although, saying that, I couldn't pull my eyes away from his perfectly tanned and toned abs. The others shirtless were, Danny, James, Oli, Elliott and Max. Wait, what. Max? Yeah, I was right, Max Parker. Very much like his brother's, he had toned abs. Ok they all had gorgeous abs, but none of them compared to Josh's.

Wow, I had barely stepped into the changing rooms and I was comparing abs. Do guys do this to girls? Of course they do. All of the time. On girls bodies, boobs, bums, everything. That slight thought made me feel a slight bit better.

"Hey sweetheart. Checking me out?" Josh's voice instantly snapped me out of my trance.

"No." I quickly replied. Smooth Kiana. Very well going. My cheeks flushed red.

"Sure you weren't." He chuckled.

"Right, everyone listen up," coach came into the changing room, to give us a pep talk presumably. "Kiana," he nodded at me. I simply nodded back. Odd? "Right, the day is finally here. First match of the season, you've got to go out there confident. You can win this game." He grinned at us all. "Boys, don't be sexist either. Kiana is a great player and you all know it. Pass to her!" I flushed a deeper colour of red. He clapped his hands together and rubbed them together. He turned to exited them turned back around and said, "oh and Danny, James, Oli, Elliott, Max and Josh," he said scanning the room. "Put your shirts on, we all know who your trying to impress, and to be honest its not working." Once again I blushed. The rest of the guys simply cracked up in hysterics!

The boys pulled their shirts over their heads and everyone - who wasn't already - stood up. Right, pull yourself together. Breathe. We all lined up, getting ready to go on to the pitch. We could hear loud cheer running through the stadium.

Kiana and The BoysNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ