Chapter 6

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~not edited~

Ring. Ring. Ring.

The lunchtime bell rang, floods of people poured out of classroom and towards the lunch hall. I gathered my books together and packed them away into my bag, letting the crowed go down.

"So Kiana, did you enjoy your first business lesson?" I looked up and noticed I was the only one left in the class room, besides the teacher. He was a tall man with black, short hair, all spiked up. Mr Crouch.

"Oh, yes it was really good Sir," I replied not really knowing what to say. I mean when a teacher asks whether you like their subject, you can't say, 'Oh no, I hated it. It was rather boring. Sorry.' Can you? Not that I found it boring at all.

"Oh good, well you'd better be off, to get some lunch," he smiled.

"Yes Sir. Bye Sir," I said, grabbing my bag and leaving the room.

"Goodbye Kiana. See you soon."

Well that wasn't awkward. As I walked down the corridor, I bumped into Lucy.

"Oh hiya! I was just coming to look for you." She exclaimed.

"Hey, yeah I was just er... Never mind. I'm here now, shall we go and get something to eat?" I said.

Lucy smiled a huge grin and her green eyes glistened. She led me to the vast hall. It had brown, wooden floors, glaced with shiny gloss. We walked along and queued up in the line for lunch. For lunch there was fish and chips or grilled chicken and salad. Of course, thinking about my figure, I chose the chicken.

"Come on, let's sit here," Lucy said pointing at a table with another girl sat there.

"Hey Luce," the girl said. She wore a short skirt and a hot pink blouse.

"Hey," Lucy replied sliding down into the seat next to the girl. "Kiana, this is Ellie, my bestest ever friend," she said wrapping her arms around Ellie. "And Ellie, this is Kiana." She said smiling at me.

"Wow! Kiana. What a great name," Ellie said smiling. I smiled back at her.

"Nice to meet you." I nodded.

The girls continued to talk as I proceeded with my salad. Then a familiar ringtone played. I reached in to my bag and whipped out my phone. Unknown?

"Hello?" I said, or rather, questioned.

"Hey," the voice replied.

"Who is this?" I said into the speaker. The girls looked at me with a confused face.

"Guess who, sweetheart." The voice laughed into the receiver.

I turned around to see Josh, on a table with Sam, Louis, Max, Tom and another girl, with a phone pressed to his ear, looking at me laughing.

"Josh!" She said turning back around. Both girls looked at me, stunned.

"Hey babe. You coming to sit with us?"

"Actually, I'm fine here. Bye." I said before hanging up. I put my phone on the table and looked up. Both girls were sat their with their jaws hanging open. "What?"

"Was, was that... Josh Parker?" Ellie asked.

"Er yeah? He just asked if I wanted to eat with him," I said.

"What!" Lucy squealed.

"What?" I said raising me eyebrows.

"You know Josh Parker," Ellie said, emphasising the name. I shrugged.

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