Chapter 3

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~not edited~

I slipped into the soft, black, leather seat and looked around the table. Everyone was looking at me. Please stop looking at me.

"Kiana, how do you like your room? I had it all refurbished and bought all the new furniture and repainted it." All eyes went to Joanna before returning back to me.

"Oh, I absolutely love it!" I exclaimed. I truly did love it.

"Actually mum," Louis said, "you didn't repaint it, Max and I did."

"Well yes, but whatever." She answered. I laughed slightly.

"Well thank you so much, I love it. But I do hope you didn't spend too much money on me?"

"Nonsense. After five boys, I've loved buying all girly things. Whilst you are living in my home, I will treat you as my daughter." I smiled, "and," she continued, "I would hope, you would treat me as your mother."

I nodded. "Of course." She smiled. "But please, don't waste your money on me." I pleaded.

"I am going to treat you as my daughter, so I will spend my money on you as if you are my daughter." She retorted firmly but kindly.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to change her mind, so I smiled gratefully. I spooned up, some of my food, which was seafood paella. I'd never tried it, but it smelt delicious. When I looked around, all the eyes were back on me, making me feel really uncomfortable.

"So, erm, when, when does school start?" I asked, wanting to get all these eyes off me. All the boys let out a loud groan.

"Ah well, it starts next Wednesday, so you got a week and 3 days." She continued, "oh, we will need to get you some new school supply's."

I was just about to protest, about Joanna spending her money on me, but she just shook her head so I instantly dropped it. "Oh I don't mind." I simply said.

"Oh Kiana," Sam said. I looked over to him. "I made this for you," he said, handing me a booklet.

On the front it said 'The Parkers'. I opened it on the first page and it on the left hand page it had a picture of all the boys, on the right it read 'contents. Nathan, Josh, Max, Louis, Sam.' I flipped the page over and on the left was a picture of Nathan. On the right it read 'Nathan Parker, aged 19.' I carried on flipping, there was a picture of each boy, their name and age.

I laughed. "Thank you,"

"It's so you can remember us. So you don't forget our names, like you did Nathan." He said smiling, looking very proud of himself.

My cheeks, flushed. Everyone laughed,

"Kiana, how do you like the food?" Mark asked.

"Mmmm, it's very good." I replied. He smiled back at me.

Honestly what is with these boys and staring? Have they never seen a girl before? Which I find very hard to believe as they are quite attractive so they probably all have girlfriends. Except for possibly Sam.

"Boys," Joanna said, snapping them out of their trances. They all looked at her, she just widened her eyes and raised her eyebrows. They all looked down at their food and carried on eating.

I giggled quietly. Josh turned his head a our eyes connected. My smile instantly faded as I got lost in his deep blue eyes.


Once we had eaten I went up to my room to start unpacking. I put my my white iPhone on the side of the desk and tried on a few of my new clothes. Note to self, remember to thank Joanna.

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